- 1). Lay the electric blanket on a flat surface with the stains facing upward.
- 2). Fill a small container with lukewarm water and add two to three drops of dish soap. Mix together with a spoon.
- 3). Dip a sponge in the warm, soapy water and -- while holding the sponge above the container -- wring out the excess mixture.
- 4). Rub the stains or spots with the damp sponge for several seconds. Remove the soapy residue from the electric blanket by blotting with a clean cloth dampened with cool water. Pat dry with a towel.
- 1). Read and follow all directions and warnings recommended by the manufacturer of your eclectic blanket. If the manufacturer states laundering your blanket in a washing machine is acceptable continue with the remaining steps.
- 2). Remove the power supply from your electric blanket. Turn your washing machine water temperature dial to cold and set the time knob to the shortest cycle.
- 3). Let the washer begin to fill with cold water and add 1/4 cup of laundry detergent. Submerge the blanket in the washer drum and close the washer door. Allow the machine to finish the cycle and immediately remove the blanket from the washer.
- 4). Hang the electric automatic blanket out of direct sunlight and away from direct heat for several hours until thoroughly dry.
Spot Cleaning