Health & Medical: A Look at Options for Treatment for Tinnitus

A Look at Options for Treatment for Tinnitus

Tinnitus, which can be a very disturbing condition, can be caused by many different things. Some of the most common include stress, loud noises, and certain medications. Once you determine the underlying cause, you can begin to seek treatment for tinnitus. This article will discuss some of the vario

Health & Medical: Environmental Influence on Vertigo & Dizziness

Environmental Influence on Vertigo & Dizziness

Vertigo and dizziness are related medical terms that are also used interchangeably. Sometimes, people experience an episode of vertigo or dizziness due to environmental causes.

Health & Medical: Treatments for Dizziness

Treatments for Dizziness

Dizziness can happen to anyone. People find it very hard to describe the feelings of dizziness, and vertigo is the medical term used to describe the feelings of dizziness. People who suffer from vertigo often say that they have the feeling of spinning or constant motion for either themselves or thei

Health & Medical: Tinnitus Retraining Therapy - Understanding the Concepts and Procedures of TRT

Tinnitus Retraining Therapy - Understanding the Concepts and Procedures of TRT

Tinnitus that has been medically established and diagnosed as a prelude to hearing loss will require the sufferer to take in magnesium, zinc, B12 and antioxidant supplements to strengthen his blood cells, auditory nerve muscles and tissues, including those cochlear hairs. This means the tinnitus suf

Health & Medical: Hearing Aid Repairs: The Basics

Hearing Aid Repairs: The Basics

Hearing aid repair is a fact of life with see precision instruments. This article gives a broad overview of the maintenance and repairs that come with each type of hearing aid.

Health & Medical: Tinnitus Natural Cure: Stop Ringing Ears and Live a Peaceful, Quiet Life

Tinnitus Natural Cure: Stop Ringing Ears and Live a Peaceful, Quiet Life

Tinnitus is the name given to the condition where a person hears ringing or whooshing sound in one or both of their ears when no such sound exist. The annoying sounds of tinnitus could always keep a person from living a normal life. The problem may begin as a small annoyance, but the longer it lasts

Health & Medical: Is My Ringing In Ears From Blood Pressure?

Is My Ringing In Ears From Blood Pressure?

If you are experiencing ringing ears from blood pressure, then you are in the same boat with a lot other people. Most of us actually experience this problem, especially later in life. Aging is the common reason primarily although in some cases, younger people experience this condition.

Health & Medical: Natural Tinnitus Remedies You Can Use For Fast Relief of Tinnitus Symptoms

Natural Tinnitus Remedies You Can Use For Fast Relief of Tinnitus Symptoms

You finally get back home from the daily grind, expecting some peace and quiet. You then realize for the past few days, there's really no such thing as peace and quiet. Instead of hearing the evening breeze or crickets in your quiet neighborhood, what you get is a constant ringing, tingling, bu

Health & Medical: Treatment For Tinnitus - Do Natural Treatments Work?

Treatment For Tinnitus - Do Natural Treatments Work?

Tinnitus can be caused by a lot of different things. I am going to talk about what causes tinnitus and a treatment for tinnitus that everyone should be aware of before taking any kind of drastic medication or surgery option. Treatment for tinnitus does not have to be full of risk and side effects.

Health & Medical: The Best Tinnitus Remedy - that works

The Best Tinnitus Remedy - that works

Which is the best tinnitus remedy? Is there an actual remedy that works effectively? This blog post helps to inform you of the only remedy they have found that consistently works. Read on to find the

Health & Medical: How to Irrigate Ears

How to Irrigate Ears

Irrigating, by medical definition, is the process of removing waste from a body canal by flushing the body cavity with water. In the case of the ears, water is safely injected into the ear canal in order to flush out dried earwax and the dust and waste trapped by the wax.

Health & Medical: How to Wear Ear Protectors

How to Wear Ear Protectors

According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology, one out of every 10 Americans suffers from hearing loss. While aging is a factor, many people needlessly experience a loss of hearing due to damage from excessive levels of noise. In addition, there is more at stake than hearing. Prolonged exposur

Health & Medical: What Instruments Go on the Mayo Stand?

What Instruments Go on the Mayo Stand?

There are no specific rules regarding which instruments are placed on a Mayo stand -- the piece of equipment where surgical tools are placed during an operation. Each physician has his own preferences. Also, each procedure requires different instruments and supplies. The Mayo stand looks like an adj

Health & Medical: Stop Tinnitus - Knowing the Causes

Stop Tinnitus - Knowing the Causes

In order for us to treat tinnitus, we must first define what are the causes and solutions behind this irritating ear ringing. There is no definite solution to cure tinnitus, but there are some precautions and best practices to gradually have tinnitus relief.

Health & Medical: Improve Your Hearing Electronically

Improve Your Hearing Electronically

We go get glasses when our eyesight gets bad. If your tooth is hurting, you visit a dentist. We're on our way to the doctor or emergency room when we break a finger or arm to have it fixed. But when most people's hearing starts to go as they age all they do is turn up the TV, strain to lis

Health & Medical: Hearing Center Assisted Living Devices

Hearing Center Assisted Living Devices

Any expert at the local hearing center will tell you that some assistance equipment will only work well in certain situations. In order to hear more at home, consider checking out some of the other devices used to amplify sounds.

Health & Medical: How to Reverse Ringing in the Ears

How to Reverse Ringing in the Ears

Ringing in the ears, or tinnitus, is a very common hearing disorder. According to WebMD, over 52 million Americans currently have tinnitus and more then 15 million people each year find the problem so severe they seek professional medical treatment. Tinnitus is characterized by a painful, shrill rin

Health & Medical: Stop Ringing Ears: Preventions and Medications

Stop Ringing Ears: Preventions and Medications

This article explains some of the most common causes of tinnitus and also tells you what you can do to stop ringing ears. You will also learn the best ways to prevent tinnitus problems in the future.

Health & Medical: CPAP & Ear Infections

CPAP & Ear Infections

A CPAP, or continuous positive airway pressure, treats breathing problems such as sleep apnea. CPAP machines open airways, making it easier for you to sleep. Although CPAPs minimize breathing problems and help you sleep, users can experience ear infections.