Health & Medical: Medical Treatment For Tinnitus

Medical Treatment For Tinnitus

In addition to other medical treatments for tinnitus, there are also homeopathic remedies that many people find very helpful and there are also simple things you can do to reduce the intensity of your tinnitus. Some people do not like taking medicine or do not certain medical treatment for tinnitus

Health & Medical: Acute Otitis Media - Middle Ear Infections - Part I

Acute Otitis Media - Middle Ear Infections - Part I

Just what you were looking for - a little intro to acute otitis media (aka middle ear infections). Find out what the best treatment option for ear infections is by reading this article. More tidbits on this topic coming to you in the near future!

Health & Medical: What Are Specialists That Treat Chronic Ear Infections?

What Are Specialists That Treat Chronic Ear Infections?

Infections of the middle ear, the otitis media, affect more than 15 million Americans each year. They account for 15 to 30 million pediatrician visits annually, and range from acute (quick onset, short duration) to chronic (recurrent, long-lasting duration). Infections of the middle ear can be viral

Health & Medical: Hearing Loss can be Confused with Dementia

Hearing Loss can be Confused with Dementia

Undiagnosed deafness can make a person seem forgetful when in fact they have not heard information in the first place. Modern digital hearing aids improve life quality.

Health & Medical: Stop Ringing in Ears: There is a Solution

Stop Ringing in Ears: There is a Solution

If you suffer from tinnitus you may be trying desperately to find a solution to your condition. You may have tried anti depressants, muscle relaxants, anti-psychotic or other medications. These medica

Health & Medical: Stop Ringing In The Ears That May Be Causing Tinnitus

Stop Ringing In The Ears That May Be Causing Tinnitus

Many thousands of medical personnel today specialize in developing strategies that help people to cope with ringing in the ears or tinnitus. In many cases they actually succeed in putting a stop to the noise and invariably there is a positive result from their interventions.

Health & Medical: Medicines That Cause Tinnitus

Medicines That Cause Tinnitus

TinnitusMost commonly described as "ringing in the ears," tinnitus is characterized in many ways by various sufferers. Defined as the subjective experience of some sound in the absence of the external presence of that sound, tinnitus can be stem from certain diseases or events that cause...

Health & Medical: Understand the Needs of Ostomy Patients

Understand the Needs of Ostomy Patients

There is a dividing line among the types of serious medical conditions in the world. This dividing line between those we speak about with others, and those we do not.

Health & Medical: Electone Hearing Aids - High Quality At An Affordable Price

Electone Hearing Aids - High Quality At An Affordable Price

Electone, Inc, is a hearing aid manufacturer located in Orlando Florida, and is known for both the quality of its Electone hearing aids and its customer service.Electone offers lines both of pre-made BTE hearing devices and to our custom Electone hearing aids with both digital and analog circuitry.

Health & Medical: Do You Suffer From Tinnitus (Ringing in the Ears)?

Do You Suffer From Tinnitus (Ringing in the Ears)?

If you do then you're not alone. This can be a very serious condition which can interrupt your sleep and then lead to other problems.Tinnitus is a buzzing or ringing noise in the ears and it seems that nothing will stop it.

Health & Medical: Curing Tinnitus - How a Doctor Would Pinpoint Your Root Cause

Curing Tinnitus - How a Doctor Would Pinpoint Your Root Cause

Albert was a classic tinnitus sufferer. Wherever he went, he was surrounding by an intense ringing. Before he could find relief from tinnitus, however, Albert found that understanding the root cause of tinnitus is key to treating it.

Health & Medical: Are You Bugged by Ringing of the Ears? Read This

Are You Bugged by Ringing of the Ears? Read This

On top of the numerous sounds associated with tinnitus, the harshness of the occurring noise varies between sufferers. The level of intensity can be different between people; one could be plagued with a disturbingly loud, clanging noise while the other person just has a slight humming sound which is

Health & Medical: Compensation to Help Banish Tinnitus

Compensation to Help Banish Tinnitus

Having Tinnitus can be really suffering especially when you have that kind of unwanted voice going on around your ears and yet there is no cure for you. However, there is now hope for Tinnitus patients because there is actually compensation you claim, especially when you are in the British country.