Health & Medical Hearing

Is My Ringing In Ears From Blood Pressure?

If you are experiencing ringing ears from blood pressure, then you are in the same boat with a lot other people.
Most of us actually experience this problem, especially later in life.
Aging is the common reason primarily although in some cases, younger people experience this condition.
The ailment is termed tinnitus and more often than not, it is curable.
The medical field continues to conduct research and studies in order to unravel a lot other factors causing the symptom of ringing in ears from blood pressure.
Nevertheless, among the pinpointed reasons for such include those low level noises that tinnitus sufferers attempt to ignore as often as possible but since the frequency can be bothersome, seeking medical help is highly advised.
The Common Forms of Tinnitus People who suffer from ringing of the ears due to blood pressure will have to endure the following:
  • A light popping
  • An intense ringing
  • Sounds that constantly go along with the rhythm of the heart beat
A Brief Overview of Pulsatile Tinnitus Pulsatile tinnitus is one of the rarest kinds of ringing ears due to blood pressure problems.
The main reason for this condition is bad cholesterol buildup within the circulatory system.
As the bad cholesterol blocks the normal flow of the blood, this result in an abnormal hearing of sounds that can come randomly.
A medical doctor can examine you and diagnose the problem.
Remember though that a patient can suffer from multiple Tinnitus problems at the same time.
Hypertension disorders likewise can cause the symptoms of ringing ears due to blood pressure.
They vary from one person to another.
That is why it is a wise move to immediately go for a checkup so the problem can be identified and treatment can be administered at once.
Anyhow, Pulsatile Tinnitus can come as the side effect of some medications prescribed in treating hypertension.
If you develop a ringing in the ears due to blood pressure symptoms as you begin taking any new prescription medication, it is advisable to inform your doctor at once.
He should review your medication and make appropriate changes that should eventually stop those tinnitus symptoms.
Other factors not associated with hypertension that can cause ringing of the ears are being overweight, presence of benign tumors, infections, and some other health diseases.
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