Health & Medical Hearing

How to Determine the Cause of Your Tinnitus

Tinnitus is the condition of hearing high pitch noises such as hissing, whining or buzzing sounds when no such noise does exist.
If you have tinnitus then you hear noises like this repeatedly.
This may cause great interruption within your day to day activities as these ongoing sound can make you feel like you're going crazy.
Tinnitus is a fairly common condition with about 1 out of every 22 people currently affected.
What many people do not understand about tinnitus is that there is more than one type.
There are several types and they exist do to different reasons.
If you are living with tinnitus the first step is to distinguish if your tinnitus is subjective or objective.
Subjective tinnitus is where the ringing or wheezing sound is heard only by the person who suffers from Tinnitus, in other words only the patient hears the sounds.
With objective tinnitus is where the doctor also hears the sounds.
This is with the help of acoustic instruments that the doctor hears these sounds.
For the most part subjective tinnitus is more common than objective tinnitus.
This is just the first step in self diagnosis.
Now you need to determine if the noises you hear originate inside the ear of outside the ear.
If they originate outside the ear then this is known as somatic tinnitus.
Calculating the cause of the tinnitus noise will help cure the condition.
There are many different causes to tinnitus.
Things like sinus infections, blood flow, inner ear muscle spasms are just some of the common causes of tinnitus.
To effectively determine the cause of your tinnitus you will need to follow a proven tinnitus treatment method that will help you determine the exact cause of your tinnitus so you can then begin correcting the situation.
Now you may want to visit your family doctor about treating your tinnitus.
Understand that your doctor will not be able to provide you some simple medication that will cure you.
For the most part doctors prescribe medications that will only bring temporary relief and elimination of this horrible condition.
Most doctors will admit they are not able to provide a cure but only can make you more comfortable.
Many people who do not obtain satisfaction from their doctor about their tinnitus may explore the use of herbal remedies.
Most of these remedies are built on the ginko bilboa or black cohash.
These herbs have been in existence for thousands of years in the Chinese culture.
They are known to improve blood circulation within the upper body and some believe this can lead to a decrease in tinnitus.
The upside to these remedies is that they are safe with no health risk involved.
The downside is people who try this procedure rarely ever show any signs of improvement.
Remedies like this come and go all the time.
Finding a proven tinnitus treatment is difficult with the market saturated with ineffective solutions that only waste time and money.
A good treatment will explain the various types of tinnitus and display the known causes.
Once you have pinpoint the cause then and only then can you efficiently start treating the situation properly.
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