- 1). Fill the medicine dropper with approximately 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide.
- 2). Spread a hand towel onto a pillow and lay down on your side with the clogged ear facing up.
- 3). Insert two or three drops of hydrogen peroxide into the clogged ear. Lay still for approximately five minutes while the hydrogen peroxide bubbles in your ear. The bubbling process is softening the earwax.
- 4). Hold the towel over your ear as you sit up, to catch the hydrogen peroxide as it runs out your ear. Repeat the same process with the other ear if it has a similar earwax clog.
- 5). Repeat this process on your clogged ears for up to five days to soften the earwax sufficiently.
- 6). Fill the bulb syringe with warm water.
- 7). Stand at the sink and hold a hand towel beneath your ear to catch the water as it sprays out your ear.
- 8). Direct the pointed tip of the bulb syringe into your ear (not actually into the ear canal). Tilt your head slightly so your ear faces up, and use your other hand to pull back on your outer ear (to open your ear canal).
- 9). Squirt the warm water into your ear canal to flush your it and clean your ears. After softening the earwax with the hydrogen peroxide, flushing your ear canal with warm water should dislodge any earwax remaining inside the canal and force it out of your ear canal. Continue squirting warm water into your ear canal for 10 to 15 seconds, and then tilt your ear down to allow the water to drain from your ear. Repeat this process with the other ear also.
- 10
Dry your ears well after you finish flushing them out.