Health & Medical Hearing

How to Reverse Ringing in the Ears

    • 1). Get an evaluation done by a physician. Once you know why your ears are ringing, it will be easier to make the ringing stop. If no particular cause has been determined and the doctor is certain the tinnitus is not a symptom of a more serious illness, move on to Step 2.

    • 2). Clean your ears to remove any possible blockage by earwax or debris by flushing them with an ear syringe full of room temperature hydrogen peroxide. When the fizzing stops, tilt your head to allow the fluid to drain.

    • 3). Take a multivitamin that includes vitamin B-12 and zinc. According to the tinnitus information center, deficiencies of these nutrients are common among those who have tinnitus. In a double-blind study done by the New York Academy of Science, 22 percent of participants reported a complete reversal with no returning symptoms one year after being treated with B-12 and zinc supplements.

    • 4). Change your diet. Ringing in the ears is a common symptom of Meniere's disease. People diagnosed with Meniere's are advised to replace all refined carbohydrates with foods containing complex carbohydrates and fiber and to reduce their overall cholesterol intake. Also, take steps to reduce the amount of salt in your diet. A high salt intake causes water retention, which aggravates tinnitus. Caffeine and alcohol should also be removed from the daily diet because they can disrupt the normal function of the circulatory system and increase the occurrence of ringing in the ears.

    • 5). Stop taking aspirin or products that contain aspirin, such as Excedrin or Alka-Seltzer. Ringing in the ears is a potential side effect of this commonly used drug and about 200 other medications.

    • 6). Get plenty of sleep and avoid stressful situations. For reasons no one is sure of, fatigue and stress increase the symptoms of tinnitus. If the ringing in your ears is stopping you from getting a good night's sleep, try taking melatonin before bed to help you fall asleep.

    • 7). Consider wearing a masking device if your tinnitus is not reversible or use outside noise such as music or the TV to block the sound of the tinnitus. By regularly overwhelming the inner ear, the brain learns to ignore the ringing.

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