Health & Medical Hearing

How to Wear Ear Protectors

    Earplugs or Earmuffs

    • 1). Decide which type of ear protector is right for you--padded earplugs or earmuffs.

    • 2). Earplugs are designed to fit snugly into the ear canal and are available as reusable plastic or disposable foam. Earmuffs, on the other hand, are worn just like adjustable headphones. They block out noise by forming a seal around the entire surface of the ear.

    • 3). Get the right size. Earplugs are available in different sizes. They can also be custom-made. Earmuffs are made to be adjustable, so they generally come as one-size-fits-all.

    Fitting Earplugs

    • 1). Be aware that adequate protection with earplugs depends on a proper fit in the ear canal. Also, if the earplugs are the disposable kind, you'll need to first roll them between your thumb and index finger until the plug is reduced in size and all the creases are removed. Then position one earplug at the entrance of your ear canal.

    • 2). Reach behind your head with your opposite hand and give a slight tug to your upper ear to open the ear canal fully. Note that some people find it helpful to hold their mouth and throat open during this step.

    • 3). Slide the earplug into your ear canal, leaving enough of the plug outside the ear for easy removal. For optimum fit and hearing protection when wearing disposable earplugs, about one-half to three-quarters of the plug should be inside your ear. Also, wait a minute or two to give the plug a chance to fully expand in the ear cavity. In contrast, reusable earplugs come equipped with a small stem that remains outside the ear after fitting.

    Wearing Earmuffs

    • 1). Put your eyeglasses or safety goggles on before fitting the earmuffs to your head, if applicable. This will allow you to easily remove and replace your eye wear without having to readjust the earmuffs.

    • 2). Slide the earmuffs over and down your head and position each padded "muff" over each ear. If you have long hair, then you'll want to push it back behind your ears first.

    • 3). Adjust the headband by sliding the lever back and forth to make the band larger or small as needed. The headband should rest directly on top of your head to ensure comfort and fit.

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