Health & Medical Hearing

Improve Your Hearing Electronically

We go get glasses when our eyesight gets bad.
If your tooth is hurting, you visit a dentist.
We're on our way to the doctor or emergency room when we break a finger or arm to have it fixed.
But when most people's hearing starts to go as they age all they do is turn up the TV, strain to listen, and decide they just have to live with it.
Why does there seem to be that universal, negative reaction when we know we need hearing aids? The National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders state that 28 million people have some level of hearing loss that affect their daily life.
With today's technology you will be able to find the right hearing aid for whatever your circumstances may be.
Everything has changed in recent years as it relates to hearing aids.
They now utilize digital technology, just as computers, televisions, and radios.
This has enhanced reliability and sound quality, all in a smaller package.
No more "clunky" old hearing aids that remind you of your grandfather.
Digital hearing aids use the same technology as computers and come equipped with a microphone, a receiver, and a computer chip.
They need a battery to operate.
Advanced technology allows the audiologist to adjust the hearing aid as needed for each patient.
You can expect the newest versions of hearing aids to be smaller and more discreet.
Plus, they can be programmed in a way to meet your unique hearing impairment.
Truly, no two people have the exact same degree of hearing loss.
Some individuals will suffer the loss of ability to hear high-end frequencies while others become unable to detect low-end ones.
Difficulty hearing low frequencies poses a problem with the comprehension of vowel sounds, where as high frequency losses are generally problematic with the ability to decipher consonants.
It is easy to understand how people can have difficulty understanding specific words or even entire sentences.
Sometimes, it's simply an issue of sounds registering too softly, Everything they hear comes across softer than it really is.
This causes them to turn the volume up on the television or radio and to constantly ask others to repeat themselves.
An audiogram or test, is an important piece of information that enables the audiologist to program individual hearing aids to optimize a patients' ability to hear.
After a person has been found to be suffering hearing loss it's suggested that they be re-tested each year.
Hearing experts are described at three levels.
Ear, nose and throat doctors, otherwise known as otolaryngologists, have the ability to diagnose your hearing loss.
A specialist known as an audiologist must gain at least a master's degree and have a license in the state they practice.
Thirdly, there are individuals called hearing aid dispensers who do not carry the same credentials or have the degree of education as an audiologist.
They do, however, need to be certified by the state.
Aside from these three professional classifications, there are salespeople who are associated with a specific manufacturer of aids who are highly trained on all aspects of the amplification devices they represent.
They are often helpful resources for those who program and dispense hearing aids.
Remember, while they do not have as much education as an audiologist, they still need to be state certified to sell the hearing aids.
There are a variety of aids available.
"Completely in the canal" hearing aids are the smallest and most discreet.
Usually they are the most expensive, but are not designed to help with any kind of severe hearing impairment.
Then there are the "in the canal" devices.
They can fit into your ear canal, but compared to the first type of hearing aid, they're a bit bigger and much less discreet.
These are generally used for mild or moderate hearing loss and have a slightly larger battery.
The "in the ear" type devices are visible from the outside of the ear and are used for a wide variety of hearing problems.
The types of hearing instruments that are perhaps the most familiar are those that are "behind the ear.
" They provide the highest degree of amplification and flexibility, and require a larger battery.
You can get analog hearing aids for much less than these, but they don't work as well.
Hearing loss is felt by over 28 million people in America today.
First, you may be surprised to learn that 28 million people are afflicted with hearing loss.
When you experience hearing loss, it's usually due to aging, blockage in the ear, or disease.
Up to 95% of the people who have hearing loss in America can get help from hearing aids.
With every generation, people experience hearing loss younger and younger.
From the years 1971 to 1990 there was a 17% increase in hearing impairment among those aged 18 to 44.
Otitis media, a common ear infection which affects 70 percent of infants and young children, It is an ear infection that 70% of infants and younger children will suffer from.
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