Health & Medical: What Is Phytessence Wakame?

What Is Phytessence Wakame?

One of the latest discoveries in super anti-aging ingredients is phytessence wakame. It is derived from a"sea vegetable", kelp, found in the sea of Japan. Super-food lovers are excited. Wakame is said to be immune ...

Health & Medical: Professional Hair Dressers to Style Hair

Professional Hair Dressers to Style Hair

Hairdresser is the person who cuts and styles hair to change and maintain the image of the person. Hairdresser makes the use of hair texturing techniques, hair colours to transform the look. Hairdressing is the ...

Health & Medical: Knowing Your Skin Type

Knowing Your Skin Type

If you want to start your skin care, you should firstly know your type of skin and then take the best care of it effectively. It is widely known that there are five main types of skin. There is normal, dry, oily, combination skin.

Health & Medical: What to Do With Sweaty Palms

What to Do With Sweaty Palms

The thing about sweaty palms is that they're not always sweaty. When you're relaxed and not really busy, they're dry. You must have noticed that after working all day, your hands continue to sweat at home.

Health & Medical: Should You Buy Synvisc Injections On Your Own

Should You Buy Synvisc Injections On Your Own

Synvisc is used to help relieve osteoarthritis in patients and is administered through injections. At present there are many trustworthy online and offline sources from where one can buy Synvisc injections at affordable rates. People ...

Health & Medical: Refresh Your Skin Care With Citrus

Refresh Your Skin Care With Citrus

This summer make your skin care a breeze with citrus. Citrus fruits are great for improving the health and appearance of your skin. You can experience the benefits of citrus by eating more fruits such as oranges and grapefruits or by applying citrus topically to your skin.

Health & Medical: Natural Face Scrub: All About Exfoliation

Natural Face Scrub: All About Exfoliation

Regular scrubbing with a natural skin care product can help to remove the dead cells. It is a fact that if the buildup of dead cells and skins are left unattended, your skin will start looking crusty

Health & Medical: Find The Right Expert For Botox Bruxism Treatment

Find The Right Expert For Botox Bruxism Treatment

Botox Bruxism treatment is one of the well accepted forms of clinical treatments undertaken by several patients suffering from grinding teeth or clenching their jaws during sleep. Though it is an involuntary jaw activity of ...

Health & Medical: Home Therapy For Cellulite - 12 Tips That Work

Home Therapy For Cellulite - 12 Tips That Work

Cellulite is a bother that many try to do without. Home therapies do work as well and sometimes even better than packaged cellulite reducers. These 12 tips are meant to make real the possibility that fatty deposits in your body can go away.

Health & Medical: Treat Striae With a Natural Stretch Marks Cream

Treat Striae With a Natural Stretch Marks Cream

As women, we all want to look our best and that means getting rid of those annoying fine lines, aging signs and especially stretch marks. Even though both men and women can get stretch marks, it seems like women are the only ones being forced into the spot light.

Health & Medical: Dandruff Home Treatments - 3 Powerful Dandruff Home Treatments

Dandruff Home Treatments - 3 Powerful Dandruff Home Treatments

Do you know why you have dandruff? Are you sick and tired of prescription dandruff treatments that either don't work, or burn your skin, or both? Here are 3 great, easy-peasy natural dandruff home treatments that will give instant relief and won't damage your skin or the environment.

Health & Medical: Four Basics to Daily Skincare

Four Basics to Daily Skincare

Find a good cleanser that your skin responds well to, and stick with it. I use Clarins Pure Melt Cleansing gel because it is light, smells delicious and is easy to apply. Choose a creamy cleanser if you have dry skin or a clear cleanser if your skin is oily.

Health & Medical: The Shocking Truth About Sunscreens

The Shocking Truth About Sunscreens

Did you know, most sunscreen products actually promote cancer and do not prevent it? Many people are not aware of the studies which have shown twenty minutes of sun exposure a day actually prevents many cancers?

Health & Medical: The Four Deadly Triggers of Psoriasis

The Four Deadly Triggers of Psoriasis

When you have psoriasis, you have to be on a constant lookout, trying to avoid the "triggers" that can cause your psoriasis to flare-up out of control. There are four triggers in particular that are ...

Health & Medical: Pineapple Skin Treatments

Pineapple Skin Treatments

Pineapple is considered to be a perfect treatment for blemished dull skin. It has the power to rejuvenate complexion, promote lenient and radiant skin, impede aging and treat hyperpigmentation.

Health & Medical: Don't Buy Hand Cream For Age Spots

Don't Buy Hand Cream For Age Spots

Why shouldn't you buy hand cream for age spots? First, the manufacturers use ingredients that are unsafe and could make the problem worse. Second, there's a lot more that you could do for your skin's

Health & Medical: Does Drinking More Water Moisturize Extra Dry Skin?

Does Drinking More Water Moisturize Extra Dry Skin?

Extra dry skin is caused by insufficient oil in the skin, not by insufficient water. That is why, if you have extra dry skin, no amount of water will cure the condition, whether you drink ...

Health & Medical: Home Remedies For Cracked Feet, Dry Elbows And Dandruff

Home Remedies For Cracked Feet, Dry Elbows And Dandruff

My favorite show is 'The Doctors', yesterday they were discussing topics about how to get relief from some conditions such as dry skin, dandruff and cracked feet. These remedies seem so effective and