One of the latest discoveries in super anti-aging ingredients is phytessence wakame. It is derived from a"sea vegetable", kelp, found in the sea of Japan.
Super-food lovers are excited. Wakame is said to be immune stimulating, cancer preventing, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic.
The Japanese, who are well reputed for their longevity and healthy eating habits, seem to have know about this natural wonder for some time. It is one of the most commonly eaten algae in Japan. It is consumed both fresh and dried, and prized for its health giving properties. Wakame has a subtle sweet flavor. It is most often found in Japanese soups and salads.
Wakame is loaded with high-nutrition goodness.
- anti-oxidants
- vitamins
- proteins
Important minerals to nourish the body inside and out.
- calcium (more than 15 times that of milk)
- iron
- potassium
- sodium
- polysaccharies - that are fibroblast stimulators, which are types of cells that make collagen and are responsible for wound healing
- oligoelements that maintain the balance of moisture of our skin
- B-group vitamins, which are excellent for healing irritated, dry, inflamed skin - in particular B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6, and B12.
- Sulfated polyfucose - protects the cel wall against environmental factors such as UV rays, temperature and abrasion
Another very important discovery in the properties of phytessence wakame is that it helps the skin keep high levels of hyaluroic acid. This improves the smoothness and elasticity of the skin. Phytessence Wakame skincare will actually increase the elasticity of skin.
Superfood for skin.
Phytessence wakame is loaded with great things for our skin. It promotes the supply of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin which are the essentials of smooth, firm, young looking skin. It is the skin wonder-drug for anti-aging, and completely natural.
This valuable marine ingredient, although well know in Japan, is very little used in brand name American and European products. Xtend-Life Skincare is one brand that puts an emphasis on using high levels of Phytessence Wakame in skincare.
Super-food lovers are excited. Wakame is said to be immune stimulating, cancer preventing, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic.
The Japanese, who are well reputed for their longevity and healthy eating habits, seem to have know about this natural wonder for some time. It is one of the most commonly eaten algae in Japan. It is consumed both fresh and dried, and prized for its health giving properties. Wakame has a subtle sweet flavor. It is most often found in Japanese soups and salads.
Wakame is loaded with high-nutrition goodness.
- anti-oxidants
- vitamins
- proteins
Important minerals to nourish the body inside and out.
- calcium (more than 15 times that of milk)
- iron
- potassium
- sodium
- polysaccharies - that are fibroblast stimulators, which are types of cells that make collagen and are responsible for wound healing
- oligoelements that maintain the balance of moisture of our skin
- B-group vitamins, which are excellent for healing irritated, dry, inflamed skin - in particular B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6, and B12.
- Sulfated polyfucose - protects the cel wall against environmental factors such as UV rays, temperature and abrasion
Another very important discovery in the properties of phytessence wakame is that it helps the skin keep high levels of hyaluroic acid. This improves the smoothness and elasticity of the skin. Phytessence Wakame skincare will actually increase the elasticity of skin.
Superfood for skin.
Phytessence wakame is loaded with great things for our skin. It promotes the supply of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin which are the essentials of smooth, firm, young looking skin. It is the skin wonder-drug for anti-aging, and completely natural.
This valuable marine ingredient, although well know in Japan, is very little used in brand name American and European products. Xtend-Life Skincare is one brand that puts an emphasis on using high levels of Phytessence Wakame in skincare.