Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Mole Removal Creams

This article is about moles and using removal cream to get rid of them.
It will show how most moles are harmless blemishes and occur naturally, but describe how some are less easy to remove.
It will discuss some other methods for removal but focus on the use of creams.
Moles, in humans, are relatively harmless collections of cells on the skin and are usually brown in colour, there are no hard and fast rules to their appearance but most are oval or circular and can be flat, indented or raised in nature, some having hairs growing from them - the medical term for moles is melanocytic naevi.
They can change in appearance often seeming to multiply and can disappear naturally - fading to nothing over time.
Moles are also responsive to changes in hormone levels, for example in middle age, during pregnancy and in the teenage years following puberty.
Most moles can be treated with one of a range proprietary mole removal creams or, if deemed serious enough, through minor surgical procedure.
Whilst most moles are harmless they can, on occasion, become malignant developing into a form of skin cancer known as a malignant melanoma caused by complex genetic factors and sometimes by over exposure to strong sunlight - if a mole persists then it should be looked at by a qualified physician.
Mole removal creams are available as an over the counter medication from a druggist or via the Internet and number of manufacturers each of whom make claims for their own product as a real alternative to minor cosmetic surgery.
These creams work by working on the structure of the mole and, effectively, etching it away and application of the cream is a simple procedure.
Initially it is necessary to exfoliate the area immediately around the mole, - use a stiff brush or an emery board, wash thoroughly with water as hot as your skin will stand without causing damage and to allow the pores of the skin to open.
Then rub your chosen cream into and around the immediate are and apply a dressing.
After 24-hours remove the dressing and a scab should have formed and the next stage is to apply a clean, cloth soaked in hot water, to the affected area - this will allow the scab to soften and be easily removed.
Repeat the procedure for approximately a week allowing sufficient time for the mole removal cream to work effectively.
Should the procedure be unsuccessful then it is recommended that you should seek advice and further treatment from either your MD or a suitably qualified dermatologist.
Do not be concerned at this stage as some moles can prove difficult to remove and may take up to six weeks for treatment to achieve success.
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