Pineapple is considered to be a perfect treatment for blemished dull skin.
It has the power to rejuvenate complexion, promote lenient and radiant skin, impede aging and treat hyperpigmentation.
Pineapple pulp contains sugars, nitrogenous compounds, bromelain, salts of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, magnesium, manganese, vitamin C, organic acids, mainly citric.
The juice has anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effect.
Fruit juice and extracts of leaves are used in cosmetics and as a dietary supplement.
Useful properties of pineapple are also in the presence of vitamins B1, B2, B12, PP, which are also found in its pulp and juice, making pineapple an indispensable source of nutrients so necessary for human body.
Pineapple in action Pineapples are known as excellent skin smoothers that clean and revive mediocre dry skin.
Natural fruit enzymes and acids contained in pineapples contribute to brighter complexion.
Health-and-beauty aids such as masks, peels, scrubs and lotions often include pineapple or bromelain.
Pineapple additives provide proper exfoliation; bromelain detach dead flat cells from skin surface, cleans clogged pores, which makes skin more lenient and smooth.
This may help in cases of over-dry and blemished skin.
Pineapple peels are as good as papayas at aging impeding.
Home remedies to involve pineapples are excellent for removing lines and wrinkles, clogged pores, freckles and warts.
Home pineapple treatments Apply pineapple juice with a cotton ball onto your face.
Let it work for up to 5 minutes.
Alpha hydroxy acids contained in pineapples impede aging.
It has the power to rejuvenate complexion, promote lenient and radiant skin, impede aging and treat hyperpigmentation.
Pineapple pulp contains sugars, nitrogenous compounds, bromelain, salts of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, magnesium, manganese, vitamin C, organic acids, mainly citric.
The juice has anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effect.
Fruit juice and extracts of leaves are used in cosmetics and as a dietary supplement.
Useful properties of pineapple are also in the presence of vitamins B1, B2, B12, PP, which are also found in its pulp and juice, making pineapple an indispensable source of nutrients so necessary for human body.
Pineapple in action Pineapples are known as excellent skin smoothers that clean and revive mediocre dry skin.
Natural fruit enzymes and acids contained in pineapples contribute to brighter complexion.
Health-and-beauty aids such as masks, peels, scrubs and lotions often include pineapple or bromelain.
Pineapple additives provide proper exfoliation; bromelain detach dead flat cells from skin surface, cleans clogged pores, which makes skin more lenient and smooth.
This may help in cases of over-dry and blemished skin.
Pineapple peels are as good as papayas at aging impeding.
Home remedies to involve pineapples are excellent for removing lines and wrinkles, clogged pores, freckles and warts.
Home pineapple treatments Apply pineapple juice with a cotton ball onto your face.
Let it work for up to 5 minutes.
Alpha hydroxy acids contained in pineapples impede aging.
- Apply puree of overripe pineapple on your face.
Make sure it's contact with skin didn't last longer than 5 minutes.
Honey makes an excellent additive.
You may complement this mask with any other ingredients. - Utilize cut pineapple slices as a sponge while taking shower to scrub your skin.
- Rub pineapple slices on uneven skin zones, hyperpigmented areas and imperfections.
It'll reduce these conditions.
Rinse pineapple remains in 5 minutes to prevent acids from burning your skin. - Consume pineapple juice or fruits more often.
This wholesome fruit is good for your health and dermis.
It treats heart and kidney problems, contains enzyme to dissolve proteins, is helpful for women with irregular and painful menses.
Eating pineapple can even cure sore throat and cold. - Blend pineapple, orange and lemon juice with some wheat flour into paste.
Put it on the facial and neck areas.
Rub it off gently with a soft cloth to gain refreshed and even complexion.
Shielding lotion should be applied afterwards.