Did you know, most sunscreen products actually promote cancer and do not prevent it? Many people are not aware of the studies which have shown twenty minutes of sun exposure a day actually prevents many cancers? In a recent interview he conducted with Dr.
Tony Kovacs D.
, N.
, B.
, president of UV Naturals USA, the dangers of Titanium Dioxide were discussed.
Recently there has been a flood of inquiries regarding the topic of nano particles, specifically targeting Titanium and Zinc as the leading sunscreen ingredients involved in this technology.
After scouring the documents available on this matter, here are his findings: 1.
The two ingredients, Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide are often collectively referred to in the heading, introduction and summary of the various articles yet the damming data regarding toxicity in the main body of the document refers to Titanium and not Zinc Oxide.
They seem to be referred to collectively as they are both prominent sunscreen ingredients, yet they behave differently as nano particles.
The various "tidbits" of information on the internet seem to loop amongst each other referring to the same body of articles and then using each other's sites as sources of reference.
In essence the same thing is being said without any new information, just more people are quoting each other from the same document.
Titanium Dioxide is toxic at the macro and nano level whereas Zinc oxide is not.
Zinc is in fact required by the cell for a number of essential functions and the cell would die rapidly without it.
Titanium Dioxide, coated or uncoated is photoreactive, coated Zinc oxide is not.
Titanium Dioxide is a photoactivator that can react with other sunscreen chemicals and potentiate their free radical production or their cancer forming abilities.
Recent studies have shown that Titanium damages the DNA of the cell and it has been listed as a potential carcinogen.
It is far from being "safe.
" 5.
Titanium Dioxide is not a true physical sunscreen, it absorbs 70% of UV light and only reflects 30% whereas coated Zinc Oxide reflects much closer to the 100% range and is a true physical sunscreen.
Coated Zinc Oxide is NOT photoreactive and therefore does not product hydroxyl ions (free radicals in question which can lead to cancer) whereas uncoated Zinc oxide and Titanium Dioxide, coated or uncoated DO.
UV Natural uses coated Zinc oxide.
UV Natural chose its ingredient list very carefully and we avoided the common sunscreen ingredients due to their toxicity.
Kovacs goes on to say, "UV Natural continues to research and develop new products with a constant vigil of using safe ingredients.
" They do maintain an awareness of current research and data on toxicity issues and develop their products in line with current research.
Tony Kovacs D.
, N.
, B.
, president of UV Naturals USA, the dangers of Titanium Dioxide were discussed.
Recently there has been a flood of inquiries regarding the topic of nano particles, specifically targeting Titanium and Zinc as the leading sunscreen ingredients involved in this technology.
After scouring the documents available on this matter, here are his findings: 1.
The two ingredients, Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide are often collectively referred to in the heading, introduction and summary of the various articles yet the damming data regarding toxicity in the main body of the document refers to Titanium and not Zinc Oxide.
They seem to be referred to collectively as they are both prominent sunscreen ingredients, yet they behave differently as nano particles.
The various "tidbits" of information on the internet seem to loop amongst each other referring to the same body of articles and then using each other's sites as sources of reference.
In essence the same thing is being said without any new information, just more people are quoting each other from the same document.
Titanium Dioxide is toxic at the macro and nano level whereas Zinc oxide is not.
Zinc is in fact required by the cell for a number of essential functions and the cell would die rapidly without it.
Titanium Dioxide, coated or uncoated is photoreactive, coated Zinc oxide is not.
Titanium Dioxide is a photoactivator that can react with other sunscreen chemicals and potentiate their free radical production or their cancer forming abilities.
Recent studies have shown that Titanium damages the DNA of the cell and it has been listed as a potential carcinogen.
It is far from being "safe.
" 5.
Titanium Dioxide is not a true physical sunscreen, it absorbs 70% of UV light and only reflects 30% whereas coated Zinc Oxide reflects much closer to the 100% range and is a true physical sunscreen.
Coated Zinc Oxide is NOT photoreactive and therefore does not product hydroxyl ions (free radicals in question which can lead to cancer) whereas uncoated Zinc oxide and Titanium Dioxide, coated or uncoated DO.
UV Natural uses coated Zinc oxide.
UV Natural chose its ingredient list very carefully and we avoided the common sunscreen ingredients due to their toxicity.
Kovacs goes on to say, "UV Natural continues to research and develop new products with a constant vigil of using safe ingredients.
" They do maintain an awareness of current research and data on toxicity issues and develop their products in line with current research.