Health & Medical: Nausea During Pregnancy - Facts and Theories

Nausea During Pregnancy - Facts and Theories

Pregnancy is a wondrous miracle for most women - until they experience the first bout of morning sickness about six weeks after conception. Experts have not determined what it is precisely that causes morning sickness and pregnancy nausea, but this physical reaction to the substantial changes a preg

Health & Medical: Secondhand Smoke May Affect Women's Fertility

Secondhand Smoke May Affect Women's Fertility

Even if a woman doesn't smoke, just being around a spouse, friend, or co-worker who does could significantly lower her chances of being able to get pregnant.

Health & Medical: Pregnancy Nausea Week In and Week Out

Pregnancy Nausea Week In and Week Out

There are several natural cures that can help you to cope with pregnancy nausea week in and week out. Most pregnant women will not experience morning sickness symptoms during the initial phase of their pregnancies. However, after the first month or month and a half, recurrent bouts of nausea and vom

Health & Medical: How to Increase Fertility in Less Than 5 Minutes

How to Increase Fertility in Less Than 5 Minutes

Methods how to improve your fertility may not exactly be the same with your friends or even siblings. Especially since increasing fertility depends largely on the individual's health, age, and gender among many other factors, your quest on how to increase fertility may need to take on different

Health & Medical: New Guidelines for Women With Prior Cesareans

New Guidelines for Women With Prior Cesareans

Many women who have had a previous cesarean section delivery can safely attempt to deliver vaginally, according to updated guidelines on vaginal birth after cesarean, or VBAC.

Health & Medical: Natural Family Planning & Breastfeeding

Natural Family Planning & Breastfeeding

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the lactational amennorhea method (LAM) can suppress ovulation and serve as an effective form of birth control, if certain conditions are met. For women who are not using the LAM method, breastfeeding can interfere with their body's natural signs mak

Health & Medical: Transfer to Hospital in Planned Home Births

Transfer to Hospital in Planned Home Births

How common are transfers from home to hospital during and after planned home births, and how can women and their clinicians prepare for this possibility?

Health & Medical: 3 Tips To Help Minimize Feeling Nausea During Pregnancy

3 Tips To Help Minimize Feeling Nausea During Pregnancy

It is normal to experience nausea during pregnancy and also vomiting, especially in the first four months but the condition varies among pregnant women. Some feel a bit nauseated in the morning and throws up only once throughout the day while others may experience frequent nausea and vomiting.

Health & Medical: The Top Secret That Will Surely Help You Get Pregnant Quickly

The Top Secret That Will Surely Help You Get Pregnant Quickly

So you've decided to get pregnant, but you're finding patience a difficult virtue to practice. You're ready getting pregnant sooner, rather than later, right? Also, you may find many who are offering advice to you, right about now. Naturally, some of it is sound. However, it's a

Health & Medical: Epidural Placement for Labor

Epidural Placement for Labor

Epidural anesthesia involves the insertion of a sterile guide needle and a small tube (epidural catheter) into the space between the spinal cord and outer membrane of the spinal cord (epidural space). The epidural catheter is placed at or below the waist. Then the guide needle is inserted and ...

Health & Medical: How to Test Your Fertility

How to Test Your Fertility

Fertility describes one's ability to reproduce. Infertility is a condition in which an individual or couple is unable to reproduce. This may be a frustrating and very trying time for an individual or couple who may desire to get pregnant and have a child.

Health & Medical: Natural Infertility Cures For Women - Healthy, Affordable and Highly Effective

Natural Infertility Cures For Women - Healthy, Affordable and Highly Effective

Natural Infertility is becoming increasingly common throughout the world with the United States leading the way with over 7.3 million cases of infertility reported. With this number growing we must ask ourselves what could be common to all people in the USA? Diet, lifestyle, conventional medicine an

Health & Medical: 3 Pregnancy-Safe Alternatives to Toxic Cleaners

3 Pregnancy-Safe Alternatives to Toxic Cleaners

Even the most toxic household cleaners are safe enough for adults to handle, but an unborn child is a different matter. Your doctor will give you a huge list of chemicals and cleaners to avoid - it's better to start making these changes before you get pregnant, so that you have time to wash awa