Health & Medical: How to Deal With Polymyositis

How to Deal With Polymyositis

Polymyositis is a muscle disease that causes chronic muscle inflammation and weakness. Because this condition can mimic other muscle and autoimmune diseases, doctors normally request a variety of diagnostic tests before making a diagnosis. These include blood work, X-ray, MRI, and sometimes a muscle

Health & Medical: Bunion Surgery Cost

Bunion Surgery Cost

Several factors must be considered before you can determine your exact bunion surgery cost. First things first: there are different types of Bunion Surgeries and the costs greatly vary with each type. Basically, the type of surgeries that are done on a local clinic and only involve simple surgical p

Health & Medical: How to Treat TMJ Syndrome With Natural Remedies

How to Treat TMJ Syndrome With Natural Remedies

TMJ syndrome is a condition caused by dysfunction in the temporomandibular joint. The jaw joint and muscles sometimes become "locked." Chewing is difficult, headaches develop, and opening and closing the jaw can be painful. Causes may include clenching teeth during sleep, rheumatoid arthritis, stres

Health & Medical: Fibromyalgia Syndrome & CFS Symptoms

Fibromyalgia Syndrome & CFS Symptoms

Fibromyalgia syndrome and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) are both conditions that have overlapping symptoms, but they are two different disorders. It is even possible to have both syndromes at the same time.

Health & Medical: Feet Hygiene Practices

Feet Hygiene Practices

Everybody is needed to mull over the ways in which they can take good and nice care of their feet, because it is just as necessary as taking care of other parts of your body. Every man and woman should memorize the ways to be concerned for their feet and to help you further; here are some necessary

Health & Medical: Suffering Foot Pain - How to Know When Its Time to Replace Your Shoes

Suffering Foot Pain - How to Know When Its Time to Replace Your Shoes

For those suffering with foot pain, or sore feet the question may arise. Are my shoes my friend or my foe? In truth it's completely up to you! The quality and fit of the shoes you chose to wear will determine how comfortable your feet are as you go about your daily business. So how do you know

Health & Medical: Supplements for Herniated Disc Repair

Supplements for Herniated Disc Repair

Herniated disc is a common cause of lower back pain. Herbal and nutritional supplements may provide pain, spasm and inflammatory relief to speed repair of the herniated disc.

Health & Medical: Corneal Edema Treatments

Corneal Edema Treatments

Corneal edema is a condition that occurs when the cornea of the eye starts to swell. The cornea covers the iris and pupil and is responsible for focusing light into the eye. Corneal edema can be a result of post-operative eye surgery, trauma, glaucoma, disease of the cornea or an eye infection. You

Health & Medical: What Are the Symptoms of a Stress Fracture?

What Are the Symptoms of a Stress Fracture?

A stress fracture is a small crack in a bone, often occurring in the lower leg and foot bones. Typically, stress fractures occur after repeated use and strain on a specific area of the body, such as long distance running or jumping. Conditions like osteoporosis can also increase your risk of stress

Health & Medical: Shoulder Pain Tumor Symptoms

Shoulder Pain Tumor Symptoms

Shoulder pain is considered common by doctors and other medical professionals, due to the structure of the shoulder joint. The fact that the shoulder joint must have mobility and flexibility can be offset by the amount of stress and force that this area undergoes. Arms are large, heavy extremities i

Health & Medical: Infection From an Achilles Tendon Repair

Infection From an Achilles Tendon Repair

The Achilles tendon links a patient's heel bone to his calf muscle. This tendon may require repair surgery if it becomes torn or ruptured. Patients should follow wound care instructions from their doctors to prevent an infection after surgery.

Health & Medical: How to Ice for Joint and Muscle Pain Relief

How to Ice for Joint and Muscle Pain Relief

If you are an active person, you have surely experienced soreness in your muscles or tightness in your joints at some point in your life. Ice therapy is often the best way to relieve and heal this type of pain, but there tends to be considerable confusion about how to approach it. By following the

Health & Medical: Synvisc Joint Treatment

Synvisc Joint Treatment

Synvisc is a brand name for the hylan G-F 20 prescription drug. This drug resembles synovial fluid that is used in joints as a shock absorber and lubricant. This medication is injected directly into the knee joints of osteoarthritis patients.

Health & Medical: Menopause & Hand & Knee Joint Pain

Menopause & Hand & Knee Joint Pain

A woman may experience hand and knee joint pain for the first time when she enters into perimenopause and then proceeds into full menopause. On the other hand, the aches and pains that she normally experienced may get worse during this period of her life.

Health & Medical: Medications to Prevent and Treat Osteoporosis

Medications to Prevent and Treat Osteoporosis

Although there is no cure for osteoporosis, several medications approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) can help stop or slow bone loss, or help form new bone, and reduce the risk of fractures.

Health & Medical: Computer Shoulder Injury Exercises

Computer Shoulder Injury Exercises

Computer users often encounter neck and shoulder injuries from poor sitting posture or improper ergonomics. Repetitious arm and hand motions for mouse clicking and key strokes can cause musculoskeletal inflammation and radiating neuromuscular pain. Exercises that incorporate stretching and correctiv