- 1). Take prescription steroids. Because polymyositis causes widespread muscle inflammation, it’s vital to reduce inflammation and re-gain muscle strength. After making a diagnosis, doctors usually prescribe a high dose of steroids. Steroids reduce inflammation and stop muscle damage.
- 2). Exercise at least 30 minutes a day. Muscle weakness and overall fatigue are key symptoms of polymyositis. However, sufferers can combat this problem with regular exercise. Brisk walking, jogging and aerobic exercising can strengthen weak muscles and boost energy levels.
- 3). Learn how to take frequent breaks throughout the day. Although physical activity is important, people with polymyositis also deal with periods of extreme fatigue. They have to listen to their bodies and know their personal limitations. If necessary, take a quick power nap during the day and re-charge the mind.
- 4). Eat in moderation. If taking a high dose of steroids, people with polymyositis are more likely to gain excess weight due to water retention, slower metabolism and increased appetite. Eat a low-sodium diet to control fluid retention. Eating a high-protein diet while weight training can increase metabolism. A low-fat, low-sugar diet can help sufferers maintain a healthy weight.
- 5). Complete periodic lab work. There isn’t a cure for polymyositis. However, the disease can go into remission, in which sufferers are symptom-free for years. Still, relapses are common, and people with polymyositis ought to have annual lab work to check their muscle enzymes.
- 6). Join a support group. There are different degrees of polymyositis. One person may deal with little weakness and inflammation, whereas another person is unable to climb stairs or rise from bed. Support groups are available, and these provide useful information for patients and family members.