Health & Medical: Polyarthritis Symptoms

Polyarthritis Symptoms

Polyarthritis affects every patient differently and is very difficult to diagnose. Just how severe or debilitating polyarthritis symptoms will become is all dependent on the underlying illness that has caused the condition to develop in the first place. Physical therapy is commonly used to treat pol

Health & Medical: Conservative Treatment for Shoulder Impingement

Conservative Treatment for Shoulder Impingement

Shoulder Impingement Syndrome is when the soft tissues in the shoulder, the rotator cuff, and the subacrmial bursa all become inflamed. This inflammation is usually caused from playing sports or from repetitive motions such as overhead lifting.

Health & Medical: Highly Effective Home Remedies for Sore Feet

Highly Effective Home Remedies for Sore Feet

In this article, I will discuss some of the most common causes of chronic sore and aching feet. Then I will suggest what I believe to be the most highly effective home remedies for sore feet.

Health & Medical: Top of the Hand Pain

Top of the Hand Pain

Top of the hand pain often results from the wearing down of or damage to the cartilage of the joints in the hand. Fortunately, this type of pain is treatable and preventable with lifestyle changes and medication.

Health & Medical: How to Cure a Distended Abdomen & Swollen Ankles

How to Cure a Distended Abdomen & Swollen Ankles

Swelling of the abdomen and ankles is often caused by fluid retention (edema) and is usually a symptom, not a disease or disorder. Long-term swelling is often an indicator of a more serious health problem. Edema is swelling caused by excess fluid trapped in the body's tissues and can cause swelling

Health & Medical: How to Remove Gout Crystals

How to Remove Gout Crystals

Gout is a painful form of arthritis that occurs when uric acid levels become too high, according to WebMD. This occurs because the liver produces more uric acid than the body is able to secrete. Over time the excessive amounts of uric acid levels in the blood can begin to form gout crystals, which s

Health & Medical: Knee Replacement Surgery Aftercare

Knee Replacement Surgery Aftercare

Knee replacement surgery involves removing the damaged part of the knee and replacing it with a metal, plastic or ceramic implant. The aftercare of this surgery is just as important as the replacement. Without proper care of the wound, healing will not ensue as it should and could lead to a whole ho

Health & Medical: Characteristics of DMD

Characteristics of DMD

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is one of nine types of muscular dystrophy. DMD is an inherited muscle disorder occurring in early childhood that causes rapid degeneration of the muscles over a short period. The disorder also causes degeneration of the lungs and heart, making breathing difficult a

Health & Medical: How to Heal an Avulsion of the Hamstring Tendon

How to Heal an Avulsion of the Hamstring Tendon

A hamstring avulsion is a painful and severe injury in which the hamstring tendon or muscle is completely torn from the ischial tuberosity. The injury is rare, but once it occurs it requires surgery to completely heal.

Health & Medical: Tingling & Numbness in Hands & Fingers

Tingling & Numbness in Hands & Fingers

When you have numbness or tingling in your hands and fingers, you have loss sensation due to a medical issue. It is possible to have other symptoms accompany numbness and tingling, including pain, burning or weakness. Numbness and tingling in hands and fingers in certain situations can be a sign of

Health & Medical: Natural Ways to Help With Water Retention

Natural Ways to Help With Water Retention

Losing water weight helps reduce your body weightClean water and water bubbles in blue image by Suto Norbert from Fotolia.comDietary choices and medications like birth control pills and prescription steroids can affect the way your body balances fluids, bringing on water retention. But...

Health & Medical: Fibromyalgia Inpatient Treatment

Fibromyalgia Inpatient Treatment

The medical condition known as Fibromyalgia is a condition in which a person afflicted will experience pain throughout the entirety of the body in addition to areas that are very tender. Areas of the body such as the muscles, tendons, joints and ligaments may have pain. Muscles are on the bones thro

Health & Medical: Non-Surgical Treatments for Heel Pain

Non-Surgical Treatments for Heel Pain

Chronic heel pain at times cannot be cured with icing, stretching, anti-inflammatories and orthotics alone. Surgery doesn't have to be the next alternative. Your podiatrist should discuss all treatment options available for heel pain. Platelet rich plasma (PRP) and extra corporeal shock wave th

Health & Medical: Help for Bone Spurs and Arthritis in the Neck

Help for Bone Spurs and Arthritis in the Neck

A bone spur is an affliction that occurs when a small bone forms on a regular bone. Bone spurs and arthritis are most common to adults in their older years, especially those with a diet lacking in calcium. Although bone spurs themselves don't hurt, they often form in places that rub against other bo

Health & Medical: The Effect Of Custom Foot Orthotics On Chronic Low Back Pain

The Effect Of Custom Foot Orthotics On Chronic Low Back Pain

Custom foot orthotics can be very helpful for keeping the body in balance. Lower back pain sometimes is a result of poor foot posture and alignment. Foot orthotics provide the necessary support for the foot and the flat arches that are the main cause of the lower back pain.

Health & Medical: What Are the Treatments for Polyarticular Gout?

What Are the Treatments for Polyarticular Gout?

Gout is a painful form of arthritis triggered by the irritating presence of uric acid crystals. Polyarticular gout is the term used for gout that is simultaneously present in more than one joint. While gout most frequently makes its initial appearance in one joint, polyarticular gout accounts for 10

Health & Medical: Types of Knee Replacement Parts

Types of Knee Replacement Parts

Knee replacement surgery is one of the most complex surgeries that an orthopedic doctor performs. The knee joint is the largest in the human body, and the procedure calls for its removal and replacement with a prosthesis. Knowing about the surgery, the parts used to replace the natural knee, and the