- 1). Apply ice as soon as possible after working out or after any significant physical activity. The best time to ice a joint or muscle is immediately after it has been in motion, because the ice helps decrease inflammation, reduces pain and prevents future soreness.
- 2). Avoid icing prior to working out as this will tighten the muscle or joint and increase the likelihood of an injury. Instead, try heating your problem area so that it is thoroughly warmed before embarking on anything active.
- 3). Leave ice on for at least 10 minutes, but no longer than 20 minutes. In order to receive the therapeutic effect of icing, you should leave the ice on for at least 10 minutes. However, never leave ice on for more than 20 minutes or attempt to sleep with an icepack because it can increase the risk of frostbite.
- 4). Continually ice throughout the day, once an hour for 10-20 minutes. Utilizing a consistent icing protocol for multiple days in a row is the most effective way to heal joint or muscle pain. This keeps inflammation at bay and allows the problem area to fully recover.
- 5). To prevent soreness and speed recovery, especially for sports that rely heavily on your legs, try getting in an ice bath after hard workouts. Fill a bath tub with ice water and sit in it for 10-20 minutes for best results. This is especially effective after a grueling race such as a marathon or long bike race.