Natural History of Colonization With MRSA and VRE
This study assesses the duration of colonization of MRSA and VRE.
This study assesses the duration of colonization of MRSA and VRE.
The importance and recognition of wildlife as a reservoir of zoonoses are increasing. This review discusses cost-effective interdisciplinary and holistic prevention and control approaches.
This article introduces a simple risk score which identifies hospitalized pneumonia patients at low risk for MRSA.
How can we improve influenza vaccination compliance rates among healthcare workers? Lisa Maragakis, MD, MPH, discusses multiple strategies that have succeeded.
How accurate is the Xpert MTB/RIF test for the diagnosis of childhood pulmonary tuberculosis?
The movie Contagion showed the havoc a virus could spread. This virus was based on a real virus - which does not spread as easily as in the movie, but is as deadly.
A single, elevated ASO titer -- a pesky test result or an important clinical finding? Paul G. Auwaerter, MD, MBA, reviews a recent prospective trial in this expert video commentary.
This diary of a soldier in 1918 gives a personal perspective of an influenza outbreak on a troop ship.
Definition of Bile
Fungal nail disease occurs when a fungus gets trapped under the fingernail or toenail causing an infection. Fungi can enter the nail bed through injuries around the nail bed or between where the nail and skin meet up. A nail fungus can easily heal when treated properly, but can be serious if you h
Letter to the Editor
Mycobacterium bovis is endemic in Michigan's white-tailed deer. Learn more about transmission to humans.
One of the most common forms of scalp fungus is tinea capitis, also known as ringworm of the scalp. It is caused by a fungus and not by a worm, as the name suggests. Another common form of scalp fungus is Pityrosporum ovale. The P. ovale fungus is normally present in small amounts on our scalp, bu
A political refugee from West Africa presents with hemiparesis and no fever. Is this infectious in origin, and if so, what is the agent?
An infectious diseases specialist answers questions from Medscape readers.
Yeast infections in women cause many uncomfortable symptoms. Candida albicans occurs naturally in the digestive track of all humans, and flourishes in warm, moist conditions. Normally, the body keeps a natural balance among Candida albicans and other bacteria and fungi. If the balance is upset, Can
What guidelines are in place for infection control and prevention in family-centered residential facilities located close to pediatric medical centers?
What is the effect of education and feedback on peripheral venous catheter care?
Dr. John G. Bartlett's review of and insights into recent literature: an update of HCV epidemiology in the US and an evaluation of criteria to diagnose acute gastroenteritis due to norovirus.
Knowledge of incubation periods in infectious diseases can help cut off transmission. This study estimates the incubation periods for five enteric viruses.