Peramivir IV for Influenza: Will It Aid In-Hospital Care?
Dr Paul G. Auwaerter conveys information on the safety and efficacy of peramivir IV and its potential usefulness -- and drawbacks -- for hospitalized influenza patients.
Dr Paul G. Auwaerter conveys information on the safety and efficacy of peramivir IV and its potential usefulness -- and drawbacks -- for hospitalized influenza patients.
What are the risk factors for recurrent C. diff infection among patients hospitalized for C. diff infection?
CRE infections have been labeled as a serious threat to public health. This study examines the epidemiologic trends in community hospitals.
MRSA is a superbug that is being spread more rapidly these days. However, there are measures that can be taken to prevent the spread. When a family member has been treated for this infection, the following steps should be taken to decolonize everyone in the household.
Sometimes adults will develop thrush after a surgery, such as a tonsillectomy. The condition can seem scary to someone who is not familiar with it, but thrush is a relatively harmless condition that is simple to treat and will most likely go away on its own. Most adults are familiar with...
Candida is the common name given to up to 150 yeasts that naturally occur in the body. In proper numbers, candida is harmless. But sometimes when an excess of candida growth occurs, it can lead to a number of uncomfortable symptoms, including itchy skin.
This group describes a man with advanced HIV in whom immune restoration disease associated with pulmonary infection caused by Mycobacterium microti developed after antiretroviral treatment.
Bacterial infections constantly threaten the human body, but luckily our immune systems can handle a variety of invaders. Those with weak or untested immune systems, however, are vulnerable to infection by a bacterial species known as Strep B.
In this case report a patient presents with a facial skin and soft tissue infection following multiple cosmetic procedures. Mycobacterium wolinskyi is the culprit.
What is a Yeast Infection?A yeast infection, also known as candida, is an infection of the mouth, vagina or skin that causes rapid yeast production. A yeast infection in the vagina can also be known as vaginitis, a yeast infection in the mouth is also called thrush, and a yeast infection...
This study examines the prevalence, risk factors, and impact of CDI among pneumonia and UTI hospitalizations.
These findings expand the risk for human infection to areas of Kentucky, Georgia, and South Carolina.
Alcohol-based hand rub dispensers have increased hand hygiene compliance for healthcare workers. Does the location of the dispenser make a difference?
Hepatitis C is a major cause of liver disease for almost 170 million people in the world and almost 4 million in the United States. The disease can be relatively simple for some, but for most it leads to a chronic condition of cirrhosis and other complications.
Despite a well-run TB control program, drug-resistant TB emerged at a South African gold mine, highlighting the need for improved TB control measures.
Nail clippers, scissors and other nail implements must all be clean before use.manicure tools image by Mikhail Olykainen from Fotolia.comSharing personal hygiene equipment should be avoided whenever possible and this includes nail clippers. It may seem harmless, but there are several...
Recent advances in our understanding of genital herpes may help guide new strategies for disease prevention and control.
Definition and CausesRabies is defined as a viral infection that is spread by animals. The virus is often deadly and is spread by animal saliva that enters through broken skin or a bite from the animal. Once the virus is in the blood stream, it travels from the bite or wound to the brain...
Although there was a regional decline in influenza A(H1N1) virus infections during 2013-14, severity has increased since the 2009 pandemic.