The Unfeeling Refugee
A 26-year-old West African man presented with a week-long history of progressive lower-extremity weakness and urinary retention. Initially, he noticed problems trying to rise from a chair without using his arms, and then upon awakening, he was unable to get out of bed. He also has been unable to urinate and has no sensation in his legs. All of his muscles became involved at once, along with an "electrical tingling" below his umbilicus. He has no other complaints.
History. History revealed the following:
Physical examination. The following were noted:
Laboratory results. The following values were obtained:
Clinical Presentation: Progressive Paraparesis
A 26-year-old West African man presented with a week-long history of progressive lower-extremity weakness and urinary retention. Initially, he noticed problems trying to rise from a chair without using his arms, and then upon awakening, he was unable to get out of bed. He also has been unable to urinate and has no sensation in his legs. All of his muscles became involved at once, along with an "electrical tingling" below his umbilicus. He has no other complaints.
History and Physical Examination
History. History revealed the following:
Medical history: none
Medications: none
Allergies: none
Habits: none
Pets: none
Diet: regular
Travel: has been in the United States for 6 months; a political refugee from West Africa. No unusual childhood infections.
Social: married, student, has a 1-year-old child. Grew up in rural Africa.
Immunizations: had bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) as a child; purified protein derivative (PPD)-negative on arrival to the United States
Sports/water exposure: none
Infectious disease exposure: had all vaccine-preventable diseases as a child
Physical examination. The following were noted:
Vital signs: temperature, afebrile; pulse, 80 beats/min; respiratory rate, 20 breaths/min; blood pressure, 150/90 mm Hg
HEENT: normal
Lungs: clear
Heart: normal
Abdomen: normal
Extremities: normal
Skin: multiple scars from previous torture
Genitourinary: normal
Neurologic: no sensation or motor function from the umbilicus down.
Diagnostic Evaluation
Laboratory results. The following values were obtained:
WBC count: 12,000 cells/µL
Hemoglobin level: 10.4 g/dL
Differential: normal
Bilirubin level: 0.9 mg/dL
Aminotransferase levels: normal
Urinalysis: normal
HIV: positive on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
Lumbar puncture:
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF): thick, yellow, Karo syrup consistency
WBC: 240,000 cells/µL, with 95% monocytes
Protein: not measurable (> 3 g, upper limit of assay)
Glucose: 25 mg/dL
Chest radiography: no pathology
CT of head: normal
MRI of spine: diffuse thickening and inflammation of the lower thoracic and lumbar spinal cord