After Blowing Their Stack, a Heart Attack
Explosive anger increased risk 8-fold, study found
Explosive anger increased risk 8-fold, study found
AMI due to a thrombotic occlusion of the unprotected left main coronary artery is clinically catastrophic, so which treatment keeps patients alive and well for longer?
New research shows dark beer is richer in flavonoids, which have powerful antioxidant effects, than light beer.
What does this tracing show?
Who should have an Echocardiography? An Echocardiography is actually the Ultrasound of Heart, this ultrasound produces sound waves and one can have moving picture of heart. This procedure does not involve any radiations and it gives more detail than X-ray.
Most individuals can lower their cholesterol without medication.See the easiest ways to accomplish it.Learn about diet, supplements and exercises that have been proven to work...
The Edwards SAPIEN transcatheter heart valve is approved for aortic stenosis patients considered inoperable because of high surgical risk.
In his Video Blog, Dr. Henry Black reviews how long diuretics have served as antihypertensive therapy, why, and whether they still should have a central role.
If you seriously want to learn how to lower cholesterol without having to resort to medication, there are many things you will need to research. I share some of my own experience here to help you understand what it will take.
Find out how patients with high cardiovascular risk and suboptimally controlled hypercholesterolemia respond to this adjunct therapy.
Linus Carl Pauling was one of the most important chemists in United States history. He won two Nobel prizes and was a pre-eminent researcher in the fields of chemisty and biology. Over the course of his lifetime, Pauling became a strong advocate for the use of vitamin C to prevent cancer and to tre
Important It is possible that the main title of the report Giant Cell Myocarditis is not the name you expected. Please check the synonyms listing to find the alternate name(s) and disorder subdivision(s) covered by this report. ...
Exposure to even a small amount of smoke – whether it's from your own cigarette or someone else's -- greatly increases your risk of dying from heart disease.
Chest pain, fainting, fatigue, dizziness and heart palpitations are common symptoms associated with several types of heart disease.
Get guidance on the practical use of rivaroxaban for the treatment of patients with VTE.
These 5 ways are the most common many health experts would recommend and we find the same on some sites by medical doctors.For people battling high cholesterol, choosing meals wisely can be a challenge, but it is essential. Restaurants, parties, even an office potluck may present unhealthy temptatio
Since randomized studies showed a lower restenosis rate in focal coronary artery lesions with coronary stenting compared to conventional balloon angioplasty, indications for stenting expanded to complex lesions such as bifurcation and ostial lesions.
Get the basics on diagnosis and treatment of aneurysms from the experts at WebMD.
The heart is the major cardiovascular organ in the human body. It is in the heart that non-oxygenated blood is "converted" to oxygenated blood for circulation in the body. The circulatory system is composed of veins and arteries that deliver blood to all parts of the body.