Should the National Cholesterol Education Guidelines change
Several recent studies have shown that statin treatment reduces morbidity and mortality in high-risk patients with hypercholesterolemia, is it time to modify the NCEP guidelines?
Several recent studies have shown that statin treatment reduces morbidity and mortality in high-risk patients with hypercholesterolemia, is it time to modify the NCEP guidelines?
Angioplasty is a catheterization procedure used to reduce blockages produced by atherosclerosis within arteries, most commonly the coronary arteries.
Coronary arteries have an important job, a lifelong career that lasts as long as your heart does. Their job is to supply the heart with the blood, oxygen, and nutrients it needs to do its job properly. Once they become damaged or diseased however, you are diagnosed with coronary artery disease. Many
Peripheral artery disease narrows arteries in the legs, limiting blood flow. Are you one of the 8 million Americans affected by PAD?
Counterpulsation is a mainstay of acute care in patients with cardiogenic shock, both before and after surgical or percutaneous intervention, but how is it evolving for other uses?
Acute myocardial infarction outcomes have been shown to improve when lipid-lowering therapy is used, but to what extent has utilization of these agents increased in response to practice guidelines?
Do smaller guiding catheters have advantages over larger ones in trans-radial coronary intervention? How small is small enough, and when does smaller become too small?
A new study shows the U.S. health care system ranks near the top on some but not all major health indicators.
A test that measures calcium deposits in the walls of the blood vessels supplying the heart is better than other tests for identifying patients at risk for heart attack and stroke.
It beat a low-fat eating plan in helping high-risk people avoid cardiovascular problems
Connect the dots between thalassemia, heavy metal and . . . a heavy heart.
A heart bypass surgery is considered to be the most anticipated and studied procedure in the surgical field of medicine. This type of surgery is an option mostly by men in middle age to relieve blocked coronary arteries therefore restoring normal blood circulation.
What are the clinical outcomes associated with on- and off-label use of Resolute ZES?
Having high levels of cholesterol in your blood can literally be a killer. But can you recognize the signs that point towards this problem and do you know what to do about it if you do have high cholesterol?
Coronary angiography before surgery for type A acute aortic dissection is still controversial and may only impact outcomes for a few. Learn who can benefit.
Reduction in insulin sensitivity and increased blood pressure seen in first-borns may have long-term consequences for cardiovascular health.
Results and interpretation from the ASFAST trial, which evaluated the effect of folic acid compared with placebo on cardiovascular disease and atheroma progression in end-stage renal disease patients.
Find out more about the treatment paradox for patients with chronic kidney disease who need coronary revascularization.
Do chronic oral diuretics necessitate a bigger IV kick -- when acute heart failure sets in?
Choosing a hospital can be one of the most important decisions you can make, and according to some studies, it could actually save your life.