Health & Medical: Asymptomatic Atrial Fibrillation: Demographic Features

Asymptomatic Atrial Fibrillation: Demographic Features

Do patients with asymptomatic AF have different characteristics than symptomatic patients? Do asymptomatic patients receive different treatment? Does the presence of symptoms affect prognosis?

Health & Medical: Hypertension in Pregnancy: The NICE Guidelines

Hypertension in Pregnancy: The NICE Guidelines

Hypertension in pregnancy may indicate a chronic medical problem, gestational hypertension or pre-eclampsia. The NICE guidelines bring you up-to-date on all of these and more.

Health & Medical: Vitamin C May Wipe Out Heart Disease

Vitamin C May Wipe Out Heart Disease

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, has been proven over the years as a crucial component in the fight against heart disease.Studies have been done over the years and a Noble Prize winning scientist has proven that Vitamin C is very important not only for a healthy heart and cardiovascular syste

Health & Medical: Protect Your Body and Heart

Protect Your Body and Heart

Cardiovascular health is very important to maintain good overall health. The cardiovascular system in the body transports oxygen to all the tissues an removes wastes from tissues in the body as well. It consists of blood, nutrients, blood vessels, and the heart. The blood carries the oxygen and nutr

Health & Medical: Artery


An artery is a blood vessel that carries oxygen-rich blood away from the heart and delivers it to the body's tissues.

Health & Medical: Stroke Symptoms Synopsis

Stroke Symptoms Synopsis

Being struck down by a stroke is something that happens to thousands of people every year. As you age, your body becomes more vulnerable to a variety of diseases and syndromes and stroke is one of them.

Health & Medical: Reduce Cholesterol And Lead A Healthy Life

Reduce Cholesterol And Lead A Healthy Life

High cholesterol levels are really a dangerous health problem. This can cause several other serious complications such as heart attack, stroke, etc. that can be fatal. You can definitely prevent high cholesterol and but it requires quite a lot of efforts like undertaking a deep and thorough study on

Health & Medical: Preventing Heart Disease Before it Starts

Preventing Heart Disease Before it Starts

Heart disease is the leading cause of death due to disease in the United States today. What many people may not realize is that simply preventing it before it happens is the best medicine.

Health & Medical: Heart Failure Diagnosis: Not a Death Sentence

Heart Failure Diagnosis: Not a Death Sentence

Medscape interviewed Mihai Gheorghiade, MD, concerning the IMPROVE-HF study that provided support a new paradigm for how heart failure should be viewed and treated.

Health & Medical: Heart Disease is Gang Turf!

Heart Disease is Gang Turf!

" mired in heart surgery my thinking is/was. I essentially worshiped at the feet of heart surgeons thinking they were the be all end all (well, that is how some of them act!) I came away from the book feeling that I am a part of a gang fight, whereby surgeons, cardiologists, and anesthesi

Health & Medical: Complete AV Block?

Complete AV Block?

Or does the tracing show something else? You be the judge.

Health & Medical: Prevent Heart Disease - Three Tips For You

Prevent Heart Disease - Three Tips For You

Did you know that heart disease is a national killer? This is why it is important that you learn how to prevent heart disease. It is the leading cause of death for women and men in the United States. When we look at records from the year 2002, we see that seven hundred thousand individuals from the

Health & Medical: Home Defibrillator, CPR Equally Effective

Home Defibrillator, CPR Equally Effective

The first large-scale study to look at the use of automated external defibrillators, or AEDS, in the home showed that over a 3-year period about 6% of heart attack survivors with an AED in the home had died -- about the same rate as those who didn't have an AED in the home.