Health & Medical: What Should the Average Temperature & Humidity Be in the Operating Room?

What Should the Average Temperature & Humidity Be in the Operating Room?

Operating room temperatures and humidity levels may vary by image by Andrey Rakhmatullin from Fotolia.com66 to 68 Degrees F and 70 Percent Humidity.ASHRAE recommended temperatures are from 66 to 68 degrees image by Andrey Rakhmatullin from Fotolia.comThe optimal...

Health & Medical: How to Stop Hemorrhoids From Bleeding

How to Stop Hemorrhoids From Bleeding

Hemorrhoids are inflamed veins that swell around the anus; they are commonly encouraged by constipation, diarrhea and straining while defecating. Hemorrhoids can cause bowel movements to be painful--especially internal hemorrhoids, which are the most likely to bleed due to the friction of hard stool

Health & Medical: How to Check the Number of Procedures a Doctor Has Completed

How to Check the Number of Procedures a Doctor Has Completed

Doctors spend years studying and learning about human health and wellness. While all doctors study for years, finding the best doctor for a specific procedure requires some personal research. Each doctor is different and most doctors have different areas of specialization. Finding the best doctor fo

Health & Medical: How to Reduce a Dislocated Ankle

How to Reduce a Dislocated Ankle

Dislocated ankles are usually easy to put back into alignment ("reduce"), but often also involve fractured bones. Reduction of the ankle will reduce pain and prevent further injury.

Health & Medical: Preparing for the Emergency Room-Topic Overview

Preparing for the Emergency Room-Topic Overview

If possible,call ahead to let emergency room staff know you are coming. Call your doctor,if possible. He or she may meet you at the emergency room or call in important information. If you think you may have to wait to be seen by a doctor,take the checklists below and your medical records with you. W

Health & Medical: How to Apply & Take Training for Natural Disaster Management

How to Apply & Take Training for Natural Disaster Management

The Federal Emergency Management Agency offers free distance learning courses in natural disaster management through its Emergency Management Institute. It also offers on-campus courses at its Maryland campus, but these require tuition and housing payments. The EMI accepts both U.S. citizens and for

Health & Medical: The Objectives of Disaster Management

The Objectives of Disaster Management

Effective disaster management contains the effects of hazards and reduces related deaths, illness, and damages.firetrucks and firefighters on a boom image by Elnur from Fotolia.comDisaster management refers to the policies, programs, administrative actions and operations undertaken to...

Health & Medical: How to Treat a Mouth Wound

How to Treat a Mouth Wound

The mouth is an important part of the body because it's a gateway for providing nourishment to the body, and, course we use it to communicate. When you sustain a mouth wound, you want to find treatment fast. When you want to treat a mouth wound, there are situations where you can perform treatment a

Health & Medical: Mosquito Protection With Light Vs. Dark Clothing

Mosquito Protection With Light Vs. Dark Clothing

During spring and summer, many people spend their outdoor time fighting off mosquitoes. In order to ward these creatures off, we are often told to wear light colored clothing as opposed to dark clothing.

Health & Medical: How to Tie Tourniquets

How to Tie Tourniquets

Applying a tourniquet to an extremity can mean the difference between a trauma victim living or bleeding to death. A tourniquet cuts off blood flow to the point below a wound. However, it should only be used when all other means to stop bleeding have failed.

Health & Medical: Help at Home After Surgery for Acoustic Neuroma Surgery

Help at Home After Surgery for Acoustic Neuroma Surgery

An acoustic neuroma is a benign growth on the portion of the eighth cranial nerve responsible for balance. It is also known as a vestibular schwannoma and is rarely a cause for serious concern. Many people opt to have them removed surgically if they cause problems, and due to the relatively invasive

Health & Medical: Essentials of Crisis Counseling and Intervention

Essentials of Crisis Counseling and Intervention

Crises occur when a person experiences a major loss or event. This can include life-threatening situations such as natural disasters as well as crime, mental and medical illness and sexual assault. Crises can be connected to problems that include suicide, homicide, sexual assault, substance use and

Health & Medical: First Aid for an Eye Injury

First Aid for an Eye Injury

Serious eye injuries can result in permanent vision loss or even blindness. Prompt first aid measures can prevent such consequences, according to Injuries include blows to the eye, cuts and punctures, chemical burns and specks in the eye.

Health & Medical: Symptoms of Poisoning in Humans

Symptoms of Poisoning in Humans

The symptoms of human poisoning vary widely, depending on the specific type of toxic substance that has been consumed or inhaled. Medical professionals can best treat cases of poisoning if they know what type of toxin has been ingested or inhaled. Some of the more-widely diagnosed causes of poisonin