- Do not rub the eye. Try to remove the speck by lifting your upper eyelid over the lower lid. Try to wash the speck out with eyewash. If all this fails, lightly bandage the eye closed and seek medical help.
- Apply ice to control swelling. Do not press. Seek medical attention if you have pain, a black eye or vision loss.
- Without rubbing, trying to wash your eye out, or removing any foreign objects stuck in the eye, cover the eye with something rigid, like the bottom of a paper cup. Seek immediate medical help. Do not apply pressure to the eye.
- Flood your eye with water. Do not use an eye cup. Wash the eye out under a faucet or shower, or keep pouring water into the eye for 15 minutes or more, keeping it wide open with your fingers. Keep moving your eye around as you wash it. Do not bandage it. Get medical help promptly.
Specks in Eye
Blows to Eye
Cuts and Punctures
Chemical Burns