Health & Medical: Vocal Problems - Multiple Choices:

Vocal Problems - Multiple Choices:

Vocal Problems - Multiple Choices: · Should you continue singing the same way you have always been singing? · Should you ignore the unusual symptoms like hoarseness and dryness of the voice, loss of range, ...

Health & Medical: Significance of Drug Rehabilitation Programs

Significance of Drug Rehabilitation Programs

If you start listing down the factors of drug addiction, you might come up with a never ending list. Competition in every field is making the world a more chaotic place day by day.

Health & Medical: Standard VS Other Treatments For Depression

Standard VS Other Treatments For Depression

We will first discuss some of the standard or more well-known treatments, then those that are considered alternative treatments. It is important that you know there are options out there for you to review and discuss with your doctor.

Health & Medical: Management Of Hamstring Injuries By Physiotherapy - Part Two

Management Of Hamstring Injuries By Physiotherapy - Part Two

The remodelling phase of the healing period occurs over the weeks up to the sixth week after injury and at this point the patient should be tested by the physiotherapist and be able to perform a full strength resisted hamstring contraction without any problems. Isotonic work in prone with ankle weig

Health & Medical: No Risk of Prostate Cancer - Researchers Conclude

No Risk of Prostate Cancer - Researchers Conclude

Vasectomy is the process by which we can control birth. If anyone wants to undergo the operation, they need doctor's advice. Through a simple surgery, the vas deferens of the males is removed. The operation ...

Health & Medical: Overcoming Constipation Naturally - Ross

Overcoming Constipation Naturally - Ross

Constipation is not a disease; it is the symptom of certain hidden diseases in the health system. In general, constipation is defined as having bowel movement fewer than three times per week. It is ca

Health & Medical: Reiki-Seichem


This article looks at the fundamental teachings behind Reiki and Seichem as healing modalities...

Health & Medical: Urine Therapies for Arthritis

Urine Therapies for Arthritis

Urine therapy is a treatment that involves using one's own urine in order to improve your health. Self-treatment using urine is a practice thousands of years old and has been used to treat a variety of ailments from colds and cancer to asthma and even arthritis. While urine is often viewed as a wast

Health & Medical: Green Living Works Better If You Use Green Medicine

Green Living Works Better If You Use Green Medicine

Even should you be not necessarily big on green living, deciding to use green medicine is good for your health. Green medicine utilizes your body's natural power to heal itself. Choosing make use of diet, ...

Health & Medical: What is Colloidal Silver and How Do You Use It?

What is Colloidal Silver and How Do You Use It?

If you are seeking an alternative medicine, could ionic colloidal silver be the solution? As you read this article, you will discover more about this alternative medicine, you will discover not only what is colloidal silver, and how to use it, but also some of the benefits.

Health & Medical: Skin Abscess Treatment Tips

Skin Abscess Treatment Tips

Skin abscess also referred to boil. It is infected in the skin and filled by pus. It is caused by collection of pus in the skin. Skin Abscess usually start as red, tender lumps.

Health & Medical: Effective Ways To Get Rid Of A Headache Naturally

Effective Ways To Get Rid Of A Headache Naturally

Often times when an individual has a headache, their first reaction may be to take an over the counter product like aspirin or something with ibuprofen in it to help ease their pain and discomfort. If you're looking for more natural ways to deal with a headache, the following tips may be of som