Health & Medical: Home Remedies For Gas In The Stomach

Home Remedies For Gas In The Stomach

Stomach gas is painful and sometimes embarrassing. Fortunately there are several home remedies for stomach gas that are quite effective.

Health & Medical: Colon Health and Fiber

Colon Health and Fiber

Many people think of 'bran' when fiber is mentioned. However, bran is scratchy for the bowel and so not as helpful as other types of fiber. Sufficient fiber in the diet is easy to achieve if some easy steps are followed.

Health & Medical: Diet And Natural Treatment For Acne

Diet And Natural Treatment For Acne

Don't you want to use chemicals, or you have been using them, they damage your skin instead of improving it? Are you looking for a natural treatment to help you get your smile back? Your search may be over today

Health & Medical: Fenugreek works, but be careful!!

Fenugreek works, but be careful!!

I am a part timre Cd who wanted to wear a bra without having to stuff it with paper, so I tried Fenugreek, with suprising results.

Health & Medical: Options in Relieving Excessive Facial Sweating

Options in Relieving Excessive Facial Sweating

Have you suddenly felt your face wet up in the middle of pressure or stress? At first you may think it as a normal physiologic response, but this condition is now one of the major problems among many people. Excessive facial sweating or medically termed as facial hyperhidrosis, is an abnormal condit

Health & Medical: The Benefits of Organic Herbal Products

The Benefits of Organic Herbal Products

Organic herbal products are something that may not even cross the mind of those who are purchasing herbal products. When a person thinks of going to buy herbal products they most likely do not consider that some herbs that are used are not organic.

Health & Medical: How Home Therapies Proven To Work?

How Home Therapies Proven To Work?

Nobody actually would like to visit the doctor. You usually have to wait for quite a long time both in the waiting room area in addition to in the actual exam room itself. Not only ...

Health & Medical: Natural Ritalin

Natural Ritalin

Today, Ritalin is one of essentially the most recommended drugs used for dealing with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or perhaps ADHD as it is regarded as the world's €legal amphetamine'. However not all parents are ...

Health & Medical: Health Benefits From GettingLos Angeles Massage Therapy

Health Benefits From GettingLos Angeles Massage Therapy

Research has proven how Los Angeles massage therapy could efficiently help in treating certain illnesses, reduce person’s anxiety and stress levels, and improve an individual’s overall well-being.

Health & Medical: Compounding Pharmacies & Chelation Therapy

Compounding Pharmacies & Chelation Therapy

Health management organizations and cost control are constantly looking for new ways to reduce the cost of pharmaceuticals provided to patients. However, generic pharmaceuticals and big brand chemicals do not solve every medical issue. Pharmaceutical compounding is gaining ground for specific treatm

Health & Medical: How To Cure Loss Of Appetite Treating The Condition

How To Cure Loss Of Appetite Treating The Condition

Loss of appetite is also known by the name of anorexia. Each and every person experiences this problem some time in their lifetime. Some of the important reasons for loss of appetite are stress, fear, ...

Health & Medical: Arthritis Alternative if Allergic to Celebrex

Arthritis Alternative if Allergic to Celebrex

Arthritis occurs when cartilage in the joints wears away, according to the Mayo Clinic. Arthritis affects all parts of the body, but the most common areas affected include the lower back, neck, hips and hands. Risk factors for this condition include age, bone deformities, impurities of the joints an

Health & Medical: The Powers of Reiki Therapy Explained

The Powers of Reiki Therapy Explained

Reiki was first founded in Japan by Dr. Mikao Usui. He was a Japanese Buddhist Christian minister and schoolteacher. He decided to embark on a 10 year mission to the U.S.A. for further enlightenment. After ...

Health & Medical: Sweating Solutions - How to Turn Off the Faucet Under Your Arms

Sweating Solutions - How to Turn Off the Faucet Under Your Arms

Have you ever had one of those embarrassing moments where you kept raising your hands and people stared at you, and even worse, laughed or gave you a little smirk? Then you go and whack your brain wondering what's wrong with you, only to realize when you saw yourself in a mirror that you have h

Health & Medical: Can Alternative Medicine Prevent Common Illnesses?

Can Alternative Medicine Prevent Common Illnesses?

There is quite a bit of information you can find about how to cure various illnesses with the use of alternative medicine. Many people believe this is the only right way for them to take care of such ailments that come their way. However, there are many that take this process even further. They are

Health & Medical: Okinawa Herb

Okinawa Herb

Okinawans consume a healthy diet in addition to drinking plenty of Fuku Ju Rai tea: superior to less healthy beverage alternatives.