Dancing is the First Step to the Bedroom
Now I am no Ricky Martin when it comes to dancing but it's worth taking a few dancing lessons just to spruce up your non-existent skills and not to embarrass yourself when it comes to ...
Now I am no Ricky Martin when it comes to dancing but it's worth taking a few dancing lessons just to spruce up your non-existent skills and not to embarrass yourself when it comes to ...
London girls are very classy women and are of a royal heritage. Therefore, dating London girls is quite a privilege. You therefore need to ensure that you know how to date London girls.
Making women orgasm is the key to what makes us men good lovers. When girls talk to their girlfriends about their sexual experiences, they are always quick to point out who couldn't "get the job done." In that regard, girls are just as bad as guys are when it comes to giving out all t
I know that most men get ashamed to talk to beautiful women. I know that most of them got scared by the beautiful of the ladies. How can you get the attention of beautiful and ...
You can have sex with your partner in many different ways. Most women like to be in the same position for some time, since most of them usually need a minute or 10 to come to a climax. Changing positions every 3 minutes can be frustrating for her since she will have to start all over again.
You two first met in college. You loved his long hair and alternative taste in music. You two had so much in common so you start dating. You could sit back for hours and listen to his theories about talented musicians and how pop music is slowly going down the drain.
One needs to be careful while looking for love through online single dating websites. Here are a few safety tips which will definitely help you.
Who gets to make all the decisions in your relationship? Is it you or him? Is your partner the dominant type? Do you have any say when it comes to your love life? Or are ...
The new phenomena of sexting has become widespread and has been exposing some naughtiness among certain politicians and celebs in the media. So lets break down this virtual foreplay and harness it to improve our sex lives.
You can increase your luck at finding her online by first having a heart-to-heart with yourself. Not with your friends...not with your family...but with yourself. During this heart to heart, you need to figure out what you are looking for online. Do you know? If not you may need to do a lot of diggi
The local dating online has made it possible for people to contact their prospective matches in their own locality in a quick and safe manner. They facilitate round the clock accessibility to online p
Design a unique, spring date to share a fun and new experience.picnic image by Du...?an Zidar from Fotolia.comCrafting a fun spring date is exciting because spring provides a wide array of season-specific options. Spring is often associated with the bloom of new relationships,...
Love is a wonderful experience. But what can be disturbing is not being sure if your boyfriend loves you. Sometimes you feel that he loves you and sometimes you feel he doesn't. The question
It's one thing ditching a man who makes absolutely no attempt to find out why you haven't climaxed or tried to rectify the situation. But it's quite another to dump a guy who spends every walking hour desperately devouring sex manuals and has practically dislocated his tongue trying t
"BE YOURSELF." That is what most guys hear women tell them when they are seeking female advice on dating. It sounds easy enough, doesn't it? So we should just be ourselves and play Madden 2010 or Modern Warfare 2 on XBox 360 for 6 hours straight with our buddies while drinking beer th
Charlotte dating is a fun social activity and what many people have been looking for. If i were you i would browse through the Internet and sign up with one. As a single mum you ...
With the growing popularity of online dating web sites, increased rate of divorces, and prolonged youthfulness, middle aged women are finding themselves entering a new arena in life: the dating scene. Long gone are the fears associated with "old maids" and spinsterdom. In today's worl
Wanting to know how to attract women to you is a natural thing for any straight, single guy to wonder about. After all, you can only love the night life if you have a woman to share it with, so why not learn how to attract women to you? The more appealing that you can make yourself to women, the bet
The plain truth is no one should be lonely or dateless, at least not in America. There are three hundred million people spread across our fifty states. They are split nearly equally between both sexes. ...
Are you afraid that your guy would cheat on you no matter how much you trust him? Are you afraid that he would sleep with other women? Do you secretly want to know on how to keep a guy faithful to you? Nowadays, women are more aggressive. There are certain women that don't mind that a guy is in