What does the French word rompre mean? How is it pronounced and used?
What does the French word rompre mean? How is it pronounced and used?
An alternative question is a type of question (or interrogative) that offers the listener a closed choice between two or more answers.
Learn how reflexive pronouns are used in Spanish. Example sentences are included.
This Mandarin Chinese joke is about a student named Dai Sui Tong. His name is confused with a similar-sounding command - can you guess what it is?
Learn a new Japanese word every day.
Definition of "conjunction" with examples in Spanish and English.
Looking 100 years into the future, Henry Adams imagined a world in which people would "think in complexities unimaginable to an earlier mind."
The French preposition en is required after certain French verbs when they are followed by a noun.
The commonly confused words "have" and "of": definitions, examples, usage notes, and practice exercises.
One of the most entertaining sections of William S. Walsh's "Handy-Book of Literary Curiosities" (1892) is his discussion of hyperbole, with some wonderfully outsized examples drawn from literature, history, and journalism.
What does the French word usine mean? How is it pronounced and used?
Hypocorism is a nickname or pet name--often a shortened form of a word or name. Adjective: "hypocoristic."
What does the French word fabuler mean? How is it pronounced and used?
English modals may be followed by "have" plus a past participle to express perfect (completed) actions. Translating this construction usually requires a French verb in a perfect tense/mood followed by an infinitive.
You don't need to memorize the dictionary to write well, but it helps.dictionary image by Ben Higham from Fotolia.comBuilding a robust vocabulary is critical to scoring well on standardized tests like the SAT and GED. Commanding the English language can also garner respect from...
Grawlix is the series of typographical symbols (such as @#*&!) used in cartoons and comic strips to represent swear words.
Not most reading fast programs are fashioned similarly. There are some definitely strong passages of computer applications in our universe that might assist you out tremendously, and there a couple types of software that do not do extremely much for you at all.Hopefully this short inspection are goi
Simply put, a word geek is someone who enjoys learning and using unusual words. You know you are dealing with a word geek when any of the following behaviors occur: He pops out a word list that he has been working on for years; he says his favorite book is the dictionary; he gushes excitedly about t
The commonly confused words rational and rationale: definitions, examples, and practice exercises.