Society & Culture  & Entertainment: French and Compound Modal Verbs

French and Compound Modal Verbs

English modals may be followed by "have" plus a past participle to express perfect (completed) actions. Translating this construction usually requires a French verb in a perfect tense/mood followed by an infinitive.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: fabuler


What does the French word fabuler mean? How is it pronounced and used?

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: hypocorism/hypocoristic


Hypocorism is a nickname or pet name--often a shortened form of a word or name. Adjective: "hypocoristic."

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: une usine

une usine

What does the French word usine mean? How is it pronounced and used?

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Hyperbole, by William S. Walsh (page four)

Hyperbole, by William S. Walsh (page four)

One of the most entertaining sections of William S. Walsh's "Handy-Book of Literary Curiosities" (1892) is his discussion of hyperbole, with some wonderfully outsized examples drawn from literature, history, and journalism.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: En plus noun

En plus noun

The French preposition en is required after certain French verbs when they are followed by a noun.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Common Birds in Mandarin

Common Birds in Mandarin

Learn the Mandarin names of common birds with this vocabulary list of birds. Each entry has an audio file for pronunciation and listening practice.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: What Is a Conjunction?

What Is a Conjunction?

Definition of "conjunction" with examples in Spanish and English.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Today in Francophone History

Today in Francophone History

Learn about important dates in French and francophone history: famous birthdays, holidays and celebrations, and other milestones.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Chinese Solar Companies

Chinese Solar Companies

China is one of the world's leading economies.Wilfred Y Wong/Photodisc/Getty ImagesChinese solar companies are on a huge upswing. Around the world, renewable energy is taking hold as not only an environmentally intelligent option, but also an economically intelligent one. As less energy...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Dai Sui Tong

Dai Sui Tong

This Mandarin Chinese joke is about a student named Dai Sui Tong. His name is confused with a similar-sounding command - can you guess what it is?

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Rompre


What does the French word rompre mean? How is it pronounced and used?