Business & Finance: How Is the Economy and Unemployment Affecting Your Future?

How Is the Economy and Unemployment Affecting Your Future?

Recession brings with itself all major consequences which create mayhem within the economy. One of the major effects of recession is Inflation. Recession is a normal (albeit unpleasant) part of the business cycle; however, one-time crisis events can often trigger the onset of a recession.

Business & Finance: How to Write Your Employee Self Review

How to Write Your Employee Self Review

Many employees dread the time of year when they must write their self review for the past year. If you've been with your current employer for a long time, it may seem that there's nothing to say that you haven't already said. If you're at a new employer (or have a new boss within your same company

Business & Finance: Room with a View

Room with a View

Read Liz Adams's response to the May 2010 writing challenge, offer your thoughts, and submit your own story.

Business & Finance: About Career Development Programs

About Career Development Programs

Career development programs are used by employers to increase the knowledge, skills and abilities of their workers. Employees can use these programs to work for promotions or better pay. Some career development programs are used by individual employees, and others are applied to all employees.

Business & Finance: How Do I Pay Employees for Work Done in Another State?

How Do I Pay Employees for Work Done in Another State?

As your business grows, it's possible that you will have business in another state. If you have to send your current employees to work in the other state, it's important that you understand the laws and payroll implications of doing so. Most states that border each other have reciprocal agreements s

Business & Finance: Travel Agent - Steps To Becoming A Travel Agent

Travel Agent - Steps To Becoming A Travel Agent

People are always hoping to have that dream vacation or that one getaway trip that get's them isolated to relax and have fun. Travel agent's can make that dream or getaway trip real for all these people.

Business & Finance: Overview


Installation Overview --Robins Air Force Base, Georgia

Business & Finance: Interview Questions for Technical Customer Support Jobs

Interview Questions for Technical Customer Support Jobs

Technical customer support jobs can be stressful.customer support image by 26kot from Fotolia.comIn a rough economy, it is best to be as prepared as possible when going into a job interview. When looking at technical customer support jobs, a certain level of expertise is needed to be...

Business & Finance: Barbering Certification

Barbering Certification

Shaving, and cutting and trimming hair involves risk of infection and disease if barbers are not properly trained in safety and cleanliness procedures. For these reasons, each state requires that barbers and barbershops be certified, licensed and regulated.

Business & Finance: Are You Ready for a Career Climb?

Are You Ready for a Career Climb?

The potential of a bigger salary and better career privileges can be tempting, and may prompt you to say "Yes" at once, when the opportunity for promotion is offered to you. But before you take on the responsibility and celebrate this new success, it is important to check if you are ready

Business & Finance: Make Resume According to Online Recruitment System

Make Resume According to Online Recruitment System

How many times have you faced rejections from the companies regarding job? Guess many a times. In such a case have you ever analyzed or tried to find out the reason for these rejections?

Business & Finance: Employers Overestimate Employee Satisfaction Levels

Employers Overestimate Employee Satisfaction Levels

Sure, turnover may be down, but you can bet it's only temporary. No matter what industry you're in, you've most likely witnessed a fairly significant decrease in turnover during the past 18 months. This is hardly surprising news, given that employees typically grow extremely resistant

Business & Finance: What's In a Good Employee Referral Program?

What's In a Good Employee Referral Program?

Employees. You trust them with just about every aspect of your company. They're the public face of your business that greets your customers each morning, and they are the stewards of your sales receipts until the money is safely deposited in the in bank each night.

Business & Finance: Attitude - The Power of Positive in the Workplace

Attitude - The Power of Positive in the Workplace

It all starts with attitude! A positive attitude is a priceless possession for personal fulfillment and career success. It is also an essential element for creating a positive workplace. It's what really matters... When we think about the basics elements of human relationships, we think primari

Business & Finance: Basic Training for the United States Army

Basic Training for the United States Army

Army Basic Training is the beginning of the civilian-to-soldier transformation. The training can be vigorous, but life-changing as well. Recruits are taught what it means to serve the United States Army. Every military organization has basic training. The Army sets it self apart by concentrating on