- The recruit's basic training location is assigned according to the recruit's Advance Individual Training assignment.
- Basic training last a total of nine weeks--this doesn't include in-processing and out-processing. All training is in three-week increments.
- This is a total control phase of instilling Army values, respect, basic skills and Army ethics. Soldiers are under constant supervision during this phase. Intense physical training and drills began in this phase.
- Soldiers start to acquire basic combat skills. Army values, ethics and traditions are still being taught and reinforced. Soldiers learn to fire the M16 A2 assault rifle and familiarize themselves with grenades, grenade launchers, bayonets, and other heavy weapons.
- This is the most difficult phase. They are tested for 72 hours straight in a field training exercise to test physical and mental stamina. Completion of this phase results in moving on to Advance Individual Training.
Time Frame
Patriot Phase
Gunfighter Phase
Warrior Phase