Business & Finance: Profile of McPherson & Company -- An Independent Literary and Arts Press

Profile of McPherson & Company -- An Independent Literary and Arts Press

An independent house since 1974, McPherson & Company publishes literary nonfiction and fiction (contemporary American and British fiction; translated Italian, French, and Spanish fiction), books in the arts and general culture, and a rediscovery series, Recovered Classics.

Business & Finance: Job Vacancies Are Publishing in Details on the Job Portals

Job Vacancies Are Publishing in Details on the Job Portals

Generally, some people leave the job for many reasons then the position will vacant for absorbing the new employee. However, getting know the exact vacant is not always possible, as many of the big organization ...

Business & Finance: Job Description of a Salesman

Job Description of a Salesman

Businesses could manufacture huge quantities of products, and service companies could hire teams of consultants however, without the sales department there would no reason for the company to do so. The revenue generation is the responsibility of the sales staff. Sales are the fuel that makes the bu

Business & Finance: How We Help Improve Sales Performance

How We Help Improve Sales Performance

The most important factor in separating businesses that fail and businesses that succeed is sales performance. Companies that are able to get repeat customers, tap into untouched consumer markets, and maintain a positive label name go from local to international in a hurry. However, it can be tough

Business & Finance: Targeting The 5 Best Careers In 2013

Targeting The 5 Best Careers In 2013

This article talks about the 5 best careers in 2013. They are based on research I have done and found that they have the biggest area of growth in the future.

Business & Finance: What You Should Know About an Employer Before the Interview

What You Should Know About an Employer Before the Interview

Preparing for an interview is crucial to performing well. In addition to preparing responses about yourself, do your homework about the company. Knowing details about the company shows that you are thorough and knowledgeable. Researching your prospective employer will also help you phrase your answe

Business & Finance: debarkation


Glossary of United States Military words and phrases -- debarkation

Business & Finance: Why Top Companies Are Using an IT Recruiter

Why Top Companies Are Using an IT Recruiter

Top companies hire IT people all the time. Their goal is to reduce turnover and hire quality people to keep the organization running in the most productive way possible. Don't assume that these HR departments are simply that good at the hiring process. Most of the top companies, including those

Business & Finance: Investment Banking Interview Preparation

Investment Banking Interview Preparation

For undergrads and MBA students, the news that they have been selected for an interview at an investment bank comes with both excitement and dread. A position as an analyst or associate in corporate f

Business & Finance: The First 30 Days - How to Handle Your Promotion

The First 30 Days - How to Handle Your Promotion

You have worked your hardest at your job and that work has finally been paid back in the form of a promotion. You are now in charge of a sector of operations where you have proven that your expertise will fit well, you get to make some decisions on your own - and of course, there is that extra amoun

Business & Finance: How to Become a Subsitute Teacher in Maryland

How to Become a Subsitute Teacher in Maryland

If you are looking for a part-time job in Maryland with great pay--or just want to try out teaching to see if it is for you--you should look into becoming a substitute teacher. Substitute teachers generally do not work every day and are allowed to choose if they want to take assignments.

Business & Finance: Disc Assessment Tools

Disc Assessment Tools

DISC assessment identifies potential problems in the workplace before they start.workplace image by Andrey Kiselev from Fotolia.comDISC assessment is a form of personality profiling that uses four categories, dominant, influential, steadiness and conscientious. The profile categorizes...

Business & Finance: Pay Rates for Accounting Jobs

Pay Rates for Accounting Jobs

Professionals who work in accounting are responsible for the recording and summarizing of financial transactions and interpreting results. Accounting professionals must communicate the financial data to the government, shareholders and company executives through statements and reports. The principle

Business & Finance: Responsibilities of a Practice Manager

Responsibilities of a Practice Manager

Find out the responsibilities of a practice manager.manager image by Dmitri MIkitenko from Fotolia.comA practice manager manages group medical practices, which are normally groups of three or more doctors who share personnel, facilities and business management.A bachelor's degree is...

Business & Finance: Ultrasound Technician Schools and Your Job

Ultrasound Technician Schools and Your Job

For those individuals who are aiming to become an ultrasound technician should be attentive that there are several things that they need to finish first. This is ordinary as the work is more than just

Business & Finance: Marine Corps Martial Art Training

Marine Corps Martial Art Training

The Marine Corps Martial Arts Program is standard in recruit training. Recruits must qualify for their tan belts by the end of their training. Marines then have the option to further their training throughout their careers with advanced courses.

Business & Finance: limited access route

limited access route

Glossary of United States Military words and phrases – –limited access route