- Familiarize yourself with the company's web site. Search for online news articles and reviews about the company. Newspapers and magazines may also offer information. Make sure you understand the major issues facing the company and the industry. Speak with former and current employees, if possible. People who have worked for the company can give you firsthand insights.
- Learn the basic information about what the company does and what its values are. Know which products or services the company offers, who its target customers are and who its main competitor is. Review the company's mission statement. Familiarize yourself with the company's core values and culture. Learn about the company's involvement with the community, as well.
- During your research, seek out the company's major accomplishments. If the company has broken any records, introduced an innovative product or has a significant history of charitable donations, make sure you know some specifics about these before the interview.
Learn the names of the president, vice president, CEO and CFO. While these may not come up during the interview, mentioning one of the names can demonstrate that you did your research. If there are any large corporations or well-known people who are associated with the company through donations or business relationships, familiarize yourself with the names and nature of the relationships. - Learn about the company's overall industry and market. Find how the industry has changed in recent years and what the current issues are. Learn how the company has adapted to changes and succeeded where others may have failed.
Develop a list of questions to ask during the interview that are relevant to the market. Not only will you demonstrate your research skills, but you will show knowledge and insight about the industry as a whole. Ask the interviewer how the company plans to tackle a current issue in the industry. Asking thoughtful questions during the interview will also demonstrate your interest in the position, company and industry.
Company Basics
Company Achievements