McPherson & Company Basics:
An independent press since 1974, McPherson & Company publishes literary nonfiction and fiction (contemporary American and British fiction; translated Italian, French, and Spanish fiction), books in the arts and general culture, and a rediscovery series, Recovered Classics. They publish an average of six books per year, half of which are fiction. The average print run for a fiction title is 1500 hardcover books.
Publisher and fiction editor, Bruce McPherson completed this profile.
Two Authors Representative of McPherson & Company's List:
Jaimy Gordon and Ursule Molinaro.
What They're Looking For:
Innovative literary fiction.
What They Offer That Commercial Presses Don't:
Editorial competence.
Things Most Likely to Put Them Off :
Bad writing and boasting.
Thing Most Likely to Spark Their Interest:
A sense that the author has done her/his homework.
Info on Submissions:
Query first. POB 1126, Kingston, NY 12402.
Additional Advice:
Visit our website. Understand our list. Don't query with genre fiction (sf, western, romance, horror). Extremely accomplished historical fiction OK.
An independent press since 1974, McPherson & Company publishes literary nonfiction and fiction (contemporary American and British fiction; translated Italian, French, and Spanish fiction), books in the arts and general culture, and a rediscovery series, Recovered Classics. They publish an average of six books per year, half of which are fiction. The average print run for a fiction title is 1500 hardcover books.
Publisher and fiction editor, Bruce McPherson completed this profile.
Two Authors Representative of McPherson & Company's List:
Jaimy Gordon and Ursule Molinaro.
What They're Looking For:
Innovative literary fiction.
What They Offer That Commercial Presses Don't:
Editorial competence.
Things Most Likely to Put Them Off :
Bad writing and boasting.
Thing Most Likely to Spark Their Interest:
A sense that the author has done her/his homework.
Info on Submissions:
Query first. POB 1126, Kingston, NY 12402.
Additional Advice:
Visit our website. Understand our list. Don't query with genre fiction (sf, western, romance, horror). Extremely accomplished historical fiction OK.