Today Blogs have become more like two way interaction tools.
You can initiate your own blog to suggest your company's feelings or policies to the a big cross section of public or you can contact other bloggers who might write about your product or service.
Today some very powerful blogs have been able to profitably hook up consumers directly with the service providers.
A Blog, short for weblog, is a website that is usually maintained by individuals or groups that expresses ideas and commentary for larger audience.
A typical blog offers an entry called blog post which is often decorated with graphics and videos followed by comments by readers.
Blogs are different from static websites because they incorporate social elements.
Most of the blogs contain elements for social media like RSS, Twitter, Facebook etc and bookmarking icons for book marking the content at different bookmarking sites like dilicious, Digg etc.
Blogs involve users and invite them to comment and a continuous dialog can occur, which can sometimes generate hundreds of responses.
Blogs 1998-2010 Blogs are now ten years old.
Technorati one of the premier blog search engines, tracks over 133 million blogs.
According to a Technorati report in 2008, blogs have 77.
7 and 94.
1 million unique visitors in United states alone which is equivalent to about 50% of total internet users in the country.
120,000 new blogs are created everyday which amounts to 1.
4 blogs per second.
This evidently displays that there is a huge market of customers that can be tapped into by any company or service provider.
A great percentage of bloggers post reviews of products on their blogs.
Bloggers are the new propagators and authors of online world.
A study shows that 57 million Americans read blogs directly or through RSS.
A report by Pew suggests that 58% of individuals turn to internet to address their issues and issues.
Your blog and voice can commence to draw in customers by suggesting them solutions through your products.
With blogs you can find out what people think about your company or product.
You can actively encourage a communication that can advance your products and services.
Empower people by allowing them to offer feedback and then responding back by providing solutions for their problems and concerns.
Blogs are new vehicles for trustworthy relationship with your clientele.
You can initiate your own blog to suggest your company's feelings or policies to the a big cross section of public or you can contact other bloggers who might write about your product or service.
Today some very powerful blogs have been able to profitably hook up consumers directly with the service providers.
A Blog, short for weblog, is a website that is usually maintained by individuals or groups that expresses ideas and commentary for larger audience.
A typical blog offers an entry called blog post which is often decorated with graphics and videos followed by comments by readers.
Blogs are different from static websites because they incorporate social elements.
Most of the blogs contain elements for social media like RSS, Twitter, Facebook etc and bookmarking icons for book marking the content at different bookmarking sites like dilicious, Digg etc.
Blogs involve users and invite them to comment and a continuous dialog can occur, which can sometimes generate hundreds of responses.
Blogs 1998-2010 Blogs are now ten years old.
Technorati one of the premier blog search engines, tracks over 133 million blogs.
According to a Technorati report in 2008, blogs have 77.
7 and 94.
1 million unique visitors in United states alone which is equivalent to about 50% of total internet users in the country.
120,000 new blogs are created everyday which amounts to 1.
4 blogs per second.
This evidently displays that there is a huge market of customers that can be tapped into by any company or service provider.
A great percentage of bloggers post reviews of products on their blogs.
Bloggers are the new propagators and authors of online world.
A study shows that 57 million Americans read blogs directly or through RSS.
A report by Pew suggests that 58% of individuals turn to internet to address their issues and issues.
Your blog and voice can commence to draw in customers by suggesting them solutions through your products.
With blogs you can find out what people think about your company or product.
You can actively encourage a communication that can advance your products and services.
Empower people by allowing them to offer feedback and then responding back by providing solutions for their problems and concerns.
Blogs are new vehicles for trustworthy relationship with your clientele.