Society & Culture & Entertainment Horoscopes

Pisces Personal Horoscope For April 2010

Some Pisceans can be very quiet.
They like to keep their thoughts and feelings to themselves and soak up the emotional atmosphere.
However there's a time to be loud and opinionated, and that time is now.
You have indeed got plenty of useful things to say, and you shouldn't be afraid of arguing your case.
You won't cause as much offence as you expect, and overall, you're likely to boost your credibility.
As far as relationships are concerned, on April 7 the planet Saturn moves into Virgo, your opposite sign, and it stays here until July 21.
This means that over the next few months you have to pay careful attention to your various relationships, and you must be aware of your obligations.
If you let people down, you could quickly be punished.
Yet in April your love life can prosper.
Venus is moving towards a favourable aspect to Jupiter, an aspect which peaks on April 17 and 18.
There's someone out there who is very interested in you, and if you so wish, something quite amazing can happen.
Yet the key to romantic success is being able to say the right thing at the right moment.
The Venus-Jupiter aspect could also be useful in your career.
Right now there's a lot going on and you have a chance to make contact with someone who is very influential.
On April 14 there is a New Moon.
This New Moon could have an impact on your finances.
You'll perhaps feel that you have to do something drastic, as a way of getting yourself back on the rails, and it's certainly a great time for starting savings schemes.
Also, if something is costing you too much money, it's OK to make a fuss.
However there's a danger that in the midst of your earnest attempts to save money, you buy something that breaks the bank - perhaps in a moment of near-madness.
So in the last half of April, from the New Moon onwards, you need to be very disciplined.
Unnecessary shopping trips should be avoided.
On April 24 or 25 Venus moves into a Gemini.
Over the next five days, and into May, relationships become interesting.
Romantic initiatives, taking place on home turf, can have a surprising outcome.
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