If you haven't felt the intense energies of the last few weeks, you have been very lucky.
It has been the most intense energies I have ever experienced.
It has affected everyone differently, but some of the complaints have been headaches, backaches, joint pain, respiratory issues, stomach issues, dizziness, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, anxiety, moodiness and the list goes on.
I personally have heard of numerous auto accidents where the person was not expected to survive, so there seems to be a 'window' for many to leave if they choose.
I have been trying to figure out why the energies are so intense.
I have tried every method I know to block the energies or resonate with the energies, but nothing has worked.
I, and many others, have been feeling that we were failing, that we were losing our abilities, that there was something wrong with us.
Finally, last night, I was shown that there is this vast amount of energy being sent to us, more than we have ever experienced before.
Our opening, or channel, for the energies is not large enough to carry this vast amount of energy, it was not designed to do so.
It reminds me of the old cartoons that show a huge bubble of water trying to move through a water hose.
Our 'hose' is not large enough to carry this amount of energy.
In meditating on this today, I was told that this is mainly affecting those of us who are the Light Warriors, those of us on the front lines.
We are being tested to see how much energy we can handle, to see if we are ready for the new mission that is ahead of us.
(Of course, I am not being told what that new mission is.
) If we can handle the intensity of these energies without going crazy or choosing to leave, then we will be ready for our next mission.
The energies will be increased to never before experienced levels to see just how much we can tolerate.
It is all part of a training mission for us Light Warriors.
Once we pass this test, we will be opening the way for others to move into these higher energies.
Of course, it will be easier on those coming after us since it will be known how much Light can be safely handled by the human body.
These energies are advancing our Lightbodies beyond where they have ever been before.
We will be much more crystalline than ever before.
Our bodies will carry more energy than ever imagined.
We must remember that we volunteered for this mission.
We knew that it would not be easy on us, but we also understood the importance of us doing this, how much it will help humanity and our advancement.
I am being told that there is not much we can do to make the transition easier on our bodies, as 'they' are taking our bodies to the limit to see how much it can withstand.
If the symptoms were lessened in any way, then the results would not be accurate.
All we can do is to allow what is happening to complete without interference.
I am being told that we are almost at the maximum range and that it should not last more than 2 more weeks.
We will then have completed our mission and will be given a time for some much needed R&R.
The joys of being on the front lines.
It has been the most intense energies I have ever experienced.
It has affected everyone differently, but some of the complaints have been headaches, backaches, joint pain, respiratory issues, stomach issues, dizziness, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, anxiety, moodiness and the list goes on.
I personally have heard of numerous auto accidents where the person was not expected to survive, so there seems to be a 'window' for many to leave if they choose.
I have been trying to figure out why the energies are so intense.
I have tried every method I know to block the energies or resonate with the energies, but nothing has worked.
I, and many others, have been feeling that we were failing, that we were losing our abilities, that there was something wrong with us.
Finally, last night, I was shown that there is this vast amount of energy being sent to us, more than we have ever experienced before.
Our opening, or channel, for the energies is not large enough to carry this vast amount of energy, it was not designed to do so.
It reminds me of the old cartoons that show a huge bubble of water trying to move through a water hose.
Our 'hose' is not large enough to carry this amount of energy.
In meditating on this today, I was told that this is mainly affecting those of us who are the Light Warriors, those of us on the front lines.
We are being tested to see how much energy we can handle, to see if we are ready for the new mission that is ahead of us.
(Of course, I am not being told what that new mission is.
) If we can handle the intensity of these energies without going crazy or choosing to leave, then we will be ready for our next mission.
The energies will be increased to never before experienced levels to see just how much we can tolerate.
It is all part of a training mission for us Light Warriors.
Once we pass this test, we will be opening the way for others to move into these higher energies.
Of course, it will be easier on those coming after us since it will be known how much Light can be safely handled by the human body.
These energies are advancing our Lightbodies beyond where they have ever been before.
We will be much more crystalline than ever before.
Our bodies will carry more energy than ever imagined.
We must remember that we volunteered for this mission.
We knew that it would not be easy on us, but we also understood the importance of us doing this, how much it will help humanity and our advancement.
I am being told that there is not much we can do to make the transition easier on our bodies, as 'they' are taking our bodies to the limit to see how much it can withstand.
If the symptoms were lessened in any way, then the results would not be accurate.
All we can do is to allow what is happening to complete without interference.
I am being told that we are almost at the maximum range and that it should not last more than 2 more weeks.
We will then have completed our mission and will be given a time for some much needed R&R.
The joys of being on the front lines.