Taliscope or Talisman-Horoscope
The year 2009 will be marked by the launch of a brand new product, Taliscope ( http://www.taliscope.com ), already in high demand by Internet users and will be broadcast on a daily basis. The Taliscope is a talismanic calendar which provides for each day of the year a talisman in the form of a 4x4 magic square, whose first line is made up of figures of the chosen date. The Taliscope combines several parallel sciences as clairvoyance, esotericism and astrology. The Taliscope also helps you to find all the lucky days of the year.
According to its users, used in combination with the square-talisman of your date of birth [your Talisbirthday or Talisman-birthday] and classic numerology of your life-path, the Taliscope would provide maximum protection, by supplying practical information and enabling both to predetermine good or damaging times in your life and to better manage the challenges faced on a daily basis. The square-talisman would neutralize any squaring the circle or any intractable problem at first look. Therefore, for any day and for live full protection, you need to use your Talisbirthday.
From Friday 13th to Taliscope
The history of Taliscope is linked to the famous myth of Friday 13th. Indeed, a few years ago, to his great surprise, Titus Nguiagain Ph.D. [economist with a doctorate from Laval University, Quebec, Canada] realizes that the fear of number 13 [triskaidekaphobia] or that of Friday 13th [paraskevidekatriaphobia] is an international and tenacious phenomenon, with major socio-economic costs. Unfortunately, there was no year without at least one Friday 13th. For each Friday 13th, losses are estimated at over one billion dollars in the USA, representing a global shortfall of 3 billions for years with 3 Fridays 13th. In that fateful day, the most superstitious [they are over 20 millions in the USA, according to Dr. Donald Dossey] do not dare to leave their homes, will not go at work, postpone running errands, going shopping and travel, do not take aircraft, not signing contracts, and so on.
The fear of number 13 is the most widespread superstition in Western culture. Note that the word "superstitious" has 13 letters! ... In many cities, there were no homes bearing the no. 13. Engineers and architects are fuelling this superstition: with skyscrapers, hotels without the 13rd floor or room 13 (which becomes 12bis or 14a) and lifts without the 13rd floor, and with airplanes without row or seat no. 13, and so on. ... The Formula 1 drivers do not wear no 13 because they are afraid of the number 13 since the death in 1926 of 2 pilots bearing this number. The writer Stephen King, famous triskaidekaphobia man, always avoids to read the pages no. 13 of all books. Furthermore, the issue on the myth of Friday 13 is recurring, because any year, as normal as leap, include at least 1 Friday 13th and a maximum of 3 Fridays 13. It was therefore not finished to hear about it. The maximum annual 3 Fridays 13 is achieved if the 1st day of the year falls on a Thursday (of a normal year, 28 days in February) or Sunday (of a leap year, 29 days in February). The interest of Titus for this important phenomenon has thus led him to publish a complete book on the subject, "Myth of Friday 13" [ISBN 0-973738-01-4], free electronic version to link http://www.vendredi13.us or http://www.vendredi13.co.nr .
This website has become the world reference on the subject, as to be ranked very first page in the Google search engine (it is enough just typing the term "vendredi 13"). Initially, the webmaster offered paraskevidekatriaphobia people a forecasting calculator for Fridays 13, to enable them to know in advance the fateful dates and take measures to minimize the discomfort and the surprise effect. Not enough they have concluded. In addition to the forecast of Fridays 13, they wanted a protection or a cure against them. The eagerness of readers has finally awaken the shaman hidden in the webmaster, which has thus provided a real talisman against Friday 13th, based on magic square of order 4, whose first line is made up of figures of the current date for Friday 13.
Nature and structure of Taliscope
The Taliscope is a talismanic calendar which provides for each day of the year a talisman in the form of a magic square of order 4, whose first line is made up of figures of the current date of the day. Known for millennia, by definition, a magic square is a square with the sum of each of 4 rows, 4 columns and 2 diagonals always gives the same total, called magic total. Among famous magic squares, there is the Chinese Lo-shu (3x3 square dating from 2800 BC under Emperor Yu-Huang), the square of order 4 in the famous engraving Melancholy of German painter Albrecht Drer (1514), that of order 8 by the American president Benjamin Franklin (1750), the square of order 4 of the Sagrada Familia or angels'cathedral in Barcelona, by the architect Antoni Gaud (1884). For each month of the year, there are some thirty talisgrams or taliszips, detachable and printable, so that we can carry as lucky charm, mascot or talisman for the day.
In the taliscope each year is marked by the vibration of 6 (six) specific numbers which are found in all the 365 daily talisgrams and are always at the same positions in each of magic squares. The first two pairs of characteristics numbers of the year [21 - 8 and 7 - 18 for the year 2009] are formed by a sub-square 2x2 in the middle of the first two columns of all talisgrams, while the last pair of numbers [6 - 19 in 2009] can be found at the end of the last line of talisgrams.
In addition, each month of the year is placed under the vibration of his own talismanic number. The latter is the rank of the month reduced by one unit. The successive talismanic numbers will therefore go from 0 to 11, or 0 in January, 1 in February ... up to 11 in December. The position of talismanic number is stable in all talisgrams.
Taliscope versus horoscope
While the horoscope confines itself to identify your destiny, good or bad, but without more, the Taliscope protects you against the evil spell, with the magic square-talisman. Contrary to the horoscope which makes use of the language of words or alphabets, a variable language, unstable and with its "false friends" [for example, French word "librairie" is not library in English but rather bookstore!], the Taliscope uses the language of numbers , a pure language, universal and stable over time and space. The language of numbers is a language without blemish, in a divine perfection, which gives back to the complex all its logic simplicity, in a harmonious symphony. Some authors have often praise the wonderful and magical world of numbers. Thus, Pythagoras (c. 570 - c. 490 BC.), Greek philosopher and mathematician, said "The numbers govern the world" and also "Everything is number." Considering that the universe is governed by numbers, Pythagoras has established the foundations of modern numerology. In the seventeenth century, Galileo said: "God is a mathematician", because all from him has always a logic. In 1932, Kurt Gdel, published his theorem, which says that any theory based on numbers contains proposals say "indciclables", ie surely true, but none provable. However, "The days are perhaps equal to a clock, but not for a human." (Marcel Proust).
The year 2009 will be marked by the launch of a brand new product, Taliscope ( http://www.taliscope.com ), already in high demand by Internet users and will be broadcast on a daily basis. The Taliscope is a talismanic calendar which provides for each day of the year a talisman in the form of a 4x4 magic square, whose first line is made up of figures of the chosen date. The Taliscope combines several parallel sciences as clairvoyance, esotericism and astrology. The Taliscope also helps you to find all the lucky days of the year.
According to its users, used in combination with the square-talisman of your date of birth [your Talisbirthday or Talisman-birthday] and classic numerology of your life-path, the Taliscope would provide maximum protection, by supplying practical information and enabling both to predetermine good or damaging times in your life and to better manage the challenges faced on a daily basis. The square-talisman would neutralize any squaring the circle or any intractable problem at first look. Therefore, for any day and for live full protection, you need to use your Talisbirthday.
From Friday 13th to Taliscope
The history of Taliscope is linked to the famous myth of Friday 13th. Indeed, a few years ago, to his great surprise, Titus Nguiagain Ph.D. [economist with a doctorate from Laval University, Quebec, Canada] realizes that the fear of number 13 [triskaidekaphobia] or that of Friday 13th [paraskevidekatriaphobia] is an international and tenacious phenomenon, with major socio-economic costs. Unfortunately, there was no year without at least one Friday 13th. For each Friday 13th, losses are estimated at over one billion dollars in the USA, representing a global shortfall of 3 billions for years with 3 Fridays 13th. In that fateful day, the most superstitious [they are over 20 millions in the USA, according to Dr. Donald Dossey] do not dare to leave their homes, will not go at work, postpone running errands, going shopping and travel, do not take aircraft, not signing contracts, and so on.
The fear of number 13 is the most widespread superstition in Western culture. Note that the word "superstitious" has 13 letters! ... In many cities, there were no homes bearing the no. 13. Engineers and architects are fuelling this superstition: with skyscrapers, hotels without the 13rd floor or room 13 (which becomes 12bis or 14a) and lifts without the 13rd floor, and with airplanes without row or seat no. 13, and so on. ... The Formula 1 drivers do not wear no 13 because they are afraid of the number 13 since the death in 1926 of 2 pilots bearing this number. The writer Stephen King, famous triskaidekaphobia man, always avoids to read the pages no. 13 of all books. Furthermore, the issue on the myth of Friday 13 is recurring, because any year, as normal as leap, include at least 1 Friday 13th and a maximum of 3 Fridays 13. It was therefore not finished to hear about it. The maximum annual 3 Fridays 13 is achieved if the 1st day of the year falls on a Thursday (of a normal year, 28 days in February) or Sunday (of a leap year, 29 days in February). The interest of Titus for this important phenomenon has thus led him to publish a complete book on the subject, "Myth of Friday 13" [ISBN 0-973738-01-4], free electronic version to link http://www.vendredi13.us or http://www.vendredi13.co.nr .
This website has become the world reference on the subject, as to be ranked very first page in the Google search engine (it is enough just typing the term "vendredi 13"). Initially, the webmaster offered paraskevidekatriaphobia people a forecasting calculator for Fridays 13, to enable them to know in advance the fateful dates and take measures to minimize the discomfort and the surprise effect. Not enough they have concluded. In addition to the forecast of Fridays 13, they wanted a protection or a cure against them. The eagerness of readers has finally awaken the shaman hidden in the webmaster, which has thus provided a real talisman against Friday 13th, based on magic square of order 4, whose first line is made up of figures of the current date for Friday 13.
Nature and structure of Taliscope
The Taliscope is a talismanic calendar which provides for each day of the year a talisman in the form of a magic square of order 4, whose first line is made up of figures of the current date of the day. Known for millennia, by definition, a magic square is a square with the sum of each of 4 rows, 4 columns and 2 diagonals always gives the same total, called magic total. Among famous magic squares, there is the Chinese Lo-shu (3x3 square dating from 2800 BC under Emperor Yu-Huang), the square of order 4 in the famous engraving Melancholy of German painter Albrecht Drer (1514), that of order 8 by the American president Benjamin Franklin (1750), the square of order 4 of the Sagrada Familia or angels'cathedral in Barcelona, by the architect Antoni Gaud (1884). For each month of the year, there are some thirty talisgrams or taliszips, detachable and printable, so that we can carry as lucky charm, mascot or talisman for the day.
In the taliscope each year is marked by the vibration of 6 (six) specific numbers which are found in all the 365 daily talisgrams and are always at the same positions in each of magic squares. The first two pairs of characteristics numbers of the year [21 - 8 and 7 - 18 for the year 2009] are formed by a sub-square 2x2 in the middle of the first two columns of all talisgrams, while the last pair of numbers [6 - 19 in 2009] can be found at the end of the last line of talisgrams.
In addition, each month of the year is placed under the vibration of his own talismanic number. The latter is the rank of the month reduced by one unit. The successive talismanic numbers will therefore go from 0 to 11, or 0 in January, 1 in February ... up to 11 in December. The position of talismanic number is stable in all talisgrams.
Taliscope versus horoscope
While the horoscope confines itself to identify your destiny, good or bad, but without more, the Taliscope protects you against the evil spell, with the magic square-talisman. Contrary to the horoscope which makes use of the language of words or alphabets, a variable language, unstable and with its "false friends" [for example, French word "librairie" is not library in English but rather bookstore!], the Taliscope uses the language of numbers , a pure language, universal and stable over time and space. The language of numbers is a language without blemish, in a divine perfection, which gives back to the complex all its logic simplicity, in a harmonious symphony. Some authors have often praise the wonderful and magical world of numbers. Thus, Pythagoras (c. 570 - c. 490 BC.), Greek philosopher and mathematician, said "The numbers govern the world" and also "Everything is number." Considering that the universe is governed by numbers, Pythagoras has established the foundations of modern numerology. In the seventeenth century, Galileo said: "God is a mathematician", because all from him has always a logic. In 1932, Kurt Gdel, published his theorem, which says that any theory based on numbers contains proposals say "indciclables", ie surely true, but none provable. However, "The days are perhaps equal to a clock, but not for a human." (Marcel Proust).