Society & Culture & Entertainment Horoscopes

All About Virgo

Virgo characteristics People who are born under the sign of Virgo are born between August 23rd and September 22nd and their sign is that of a Virgin.
They are the sixth sign of the Zodiac and are known for their pureness of heart.
The Virgo people should find that this New Year will be more peaceful.
It is often better to be quiet than always to be in the limelight.
When it comes to any long time decisions take your time.
It is not always good to rush things that will affect your life over a long period of time.
We always need to walk with caution.
Take the time to tie up any lose ends.
You may have pure intentions but sometimes when you let things go your intentions are taken in the wrong light.
You are probably having discord in your personal life but that will cease after the first of the year.
It is often hard to resolve problems when the other person is not willing to cooperate.
You may find that for now it is best to stay away until they can solve their problems.
If that does not work then perhaps you should open the book to a new chapter.
Your personal relationships seem to end up on the rocks and you wonder why.
The quest is to do some soul searching of your own personality and find out what makes you tick.
The feeling of being pure can often get in the way of good relationships.
Virgo in 2011 Virgo people will find the start of the New Year to be a real challenge.
It is found that you are more into yourself than necessary.
You are pure of heart but don't be thick of head when it comes to the affairs of the heart.
Make sure that you do not let your purity stand in the way getting and giving love.
You need to be careful who you share your inner most feelings with.
It might work if you join a support group to help you through your stress.
You will find the support of your friends and family all year long.
It must take your own aggressiveness to overcome and start with a new mate or friend.
Don't let anyone know when you are getting those feelings of being too good for the group.
This is the type of feelings that will only hurt your relationships.
Remember you only think that you are pure but like everyone you too have some faults.
That is not to say that you do not have good intentions.
You will find the right person and your life will pick up for you starting in the month of June.
It is always best to stay calm and hold on to what you have believing that life will only get better with time.
You are your own best keeper.
You will find this is a good year to learn new things and apply them to everyday life.
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