Interior Designers Anthony Baratta, Jeffrey Alan Marks and Nathan Turner scoured the 5 million square feet of showrooms at the Summer Las Vegas Market to hunt down next season's hot new looks and coveted styles. Their findings were presented at Market during the presentation Ahead of the Curve, which was moderated by Style Guru and Today Show Contributor Susanna Salk.
Here are the standout trends and what the experts had to say about them:
- Red Hots: Nearly every showroom featured pieces in candy apple red. Hot red combines well with chocolate, gray, navy and white. It has a tendency to give a graphic quality to a room and is an easy way to add instant spice to a project. It's all you need to make a room sizzle.
- Au Natural: Natural, unfinished materials that incorporate hand craftsmanship do not have to be exclusively rustic. At LVM, several of these "natural" pieces had sexy and sleek shapes. Going au natural can add depth, soul and character to a room.
- Basketweave: Basketweave knew no limits in Las Vegas. It was featured on pieces with metal, rope and wicker and caning accents. It brings outside in, allowing something you typically associate with the outdoors to be inside the home in a very chic, stylish manner. It could even take the place of a pattern.
- Small Scale: In the 90s, the trend was to do everything bigger. Big houses, big rooms, big furniture. Now things are smaller with more details. Small scale pieces provide a more tailored, very sweet look. The economy has had a lot to do with it. McMansions are out and people aren't looking to just fill up a house. And more than anything, they want their home to have pieces with personality.
- Swivel: Because rooms are smaller they are required to be more dynamic, so multi-purpose pieces are critical. From the end of a bed to in front of a fireplace, pieces that swivel, rock or roll bring life and movement to a room while saving space.
- Pop of Color: One of the latest crazes has been light grey, rough woods. But it can grow stale or boring. Dress up your neutrals with a jolt of color. At LVM, there has been a pop of color trend showing up in rustic pieces, where the color really emphasizes the contrast between the rough edges and a smooth, modern finish.
- Retro Redefined: Forms from the 40s, 50s and 60s are now being made with materials to make the look more modern. These pieces give a whimsical element to any room and offer more compatibility with today's design options.
- Black and White - The Ultimate Neutral: Black and white allows color to stand out in a room and can bring a room to life. A lot of the black and white pieces at this year's LVM are very graphic which really allows a piece to give a room a whole other dimension.
- Chrome in the Home: Chrome gives any piece a clean, fresh look. LVM featured countless retro pieces that were updated with a chrome element. Chrome adds a nice sparkle to a room and will work in both modern and traditionally designed homes, giving them a sharp, crisp finish.
The complete Ahead of the Curve webcast is available on Las Vegas Market's YouTube channel.