Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Choosing Baby Gender - Methods that Work

Many years couples have dreamed of a way that they could choose the sex of their baby before conception, especially after already having children of a specific gender and then wish for one of the opposite age. However, there was no way to make that possible back then.  So couples left it to fate to decide whether they will be given a baby with the gender they prefer.  If there was a hint of possibility of choosing their baby's gender, some couples found the idea immoral.

But wouldn't it be great if you could pick the gender of your baby before you even conceived him or her? Great news for couples wanting to conceive a baby girl or baby boy, it is now possible through methods for baby gender predictions.  Although the methods are not 100% accurate, they are tried and proven, as well as possess a high rate of success over methods involving conventional medicine.

Some of the methods include having the right timing for sexual contacts, specific sexual positions, and eating the right foods.  There are many things that can help you fulfill your dream of having a particular gender for your next child. Would you believe that even when and how the man ejaculates can influence the gender of your future child? It's amazing that the things you consider to be unimportant have a big effect on such important things as choosing the gender of a baby.

One baby gender prediction methods is the Chinese Calendar Gender Chart.  Originally created by the Chinese people, hence the name, the calendar predicts the best time to conceive either a boy or a girl. By charting the mother's Chinese age and the month the child will be conceived, you can see the gender of the child to be made. In order to use the chart, you should calculate your Chinese age first, next is the Chinese lunar month and the outcome can then be established by following the chart.

Diet plays a big role in baby gender prediction.  It's one of the methods of choosing baby gender naturally that they say really work.  According to studies, if you want to produce a baby boy, the mother should have an alkaline diet.  Some example of the foods high in alkaline are apples and carrots.  On the other hand, if you want to have a baby girl, the future mom needs to consume mostly foods that are acidic.   The right diet combined with other methods of manipulating baby's gender will surely have a high level of success rate.When I was pressured to produce a male child before I got pregnant with my second husband who already have two daughters from his first marriage, these methods were all presented to me through an e-book I discovered online.  Hopeful that they will work, I tried each and every one of them.  When I got pregnant, I spent months playing a guessing baby gender game with my sister through pregnancy signs, such as dry skin and constant morning sickness.  On my sixth month, I went to have an ultrasound and discovered that the methods really worked when I confirmed I was carrying a baby boy.  Try methods of baby gender predictions that really, click here to know more about them.
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