Those of us who seek to grow our business are always looking for ways to gain an advantage.
We scour the business section in bookstores, we order sales and marketing magazines, we surf the net and watch the tube hoping to find that next great idea.
We all are looking for an advantage in the marketplace and we are often ready and will to pay for it.
New books and magazines will continue to flow but the basics on business growth will always stay the same.
One age old principle is this; build solid relationships and you can build a successful business.
In the next few article's we will discuss some tips on how using golf as a business tool can give you an advantage in the marketplace.
We are in the middle of a microwave world looking for a quick fix to all our daily tasks.
Email, voice mail, fax machines, text messaging, and the ever-present gatekeeper make it tough to get quality time with prospects and customers.
How can we find time to get to know our prospects and clients better? The answer? How about a five to six hour meeting next Tuesday at noon? Yes, you read it correctly.
Try this, "Mr prospect I will meet you for lunch next Tuesday at noon, followed by a short stint on the driving range at 12:45.
At 1:06 we are going to enjoy the day with any two guests you choose to bring.
See you there, and oh, by the way I have picked up some brand new Titleist Pro V 1's for the round.
We'll see what the buzz over this golf ball is all about.
" That is my plan, what is yours? "Hey Joe, I'll drop by your office next Tuesday so we can go over my latest proposal.
You will need to block off time on your calendar from 1:00-5:30 pm.
Thanks, I will see you then.
" Gimme a break! Who has five hours to blow on a meeting with you? I'll tell you who, the person that loves to play golf and cannot wait to get out of the office for the afternoon.
Will you always get the time? No.
But you will have plenty of people work real hard to find a way to meet with you.
We always find time to do the things we love to do don't we? Plan #1-Meet your contact at the office from 1:00 to 5:30.
Good luck! Plan #2-Lunch and a tee time at an area course or high end country club? Advantage: Plan #2 The next article will cover some specifics on turning a day at the golf course into a growing business relationship.
We scour the business section in bookstores, we order sales and marketing magazines, we surf the net and watch the tube hoping to find that next great idea.
We all are looking for an advantage in the marketplace and we are often ready and will to pay for it.
New books and magazines will continue to flow but the basics on business growth will always stay the same.
One age old principle is this; build solid relationships and you can build a successful business.
In the next few article's we will discuss some tips on how using golf as a business tool can give you an advantage in the marketplace.
We are in the middle of a microwave world looking for a quick fix to all our daily tasks.
Email, voice mail, fax machines, text messaging, and the ever-present gatekeeper make it tough to get quality time with prospects and customers.
How can we find time to get to know our prospects and clients better? The answer? How about a five to six hour meeting next Tuesday at noon? Yes, you read it correctly.
Try this, "Mr prospect I will meet you for lunch next Tuesday at noon, followed by a short stint on the driving range at 12:45.
At 1:06 we are going to enjoy the day with any two guests you choose to bring.
See you there, and oh, by the way I have picked up some brand new Titleist Pro V 1's for the round.
We'll see what the buzz over this golf ball is all about.
" That is my plan, what is yours? "Hey Joe, I'll drop by your office next Tuesday so we can go over my latest proposal.
You will need to block off time on your calendar from 1:00-5:30 pm.
Thanks, I will see you then.
" Gimme a break! Who has five hours to blow on a meeting with you? I'll tell you who, the person that loves to play golf and cannot wait to get out of the office for the afternoon.
Will you always get the time? No.
But you will have plenty of people work real hard to find a way to meet with you.
We always find time to do the things we love to do don't we? Plan #1-Meet your contact at the office from 1:00 to 5:30.
Good luck! Plan #2-Lunch and a tee time at an area course or high end country club? Advantage: Plan #2 The next article will cover some specifics on turning a day at the golf course into a growing business relationship.