Health & Medical Body building

How To Tone Up My Stomach For My Bikini

Banishing the belly bulge is your goal.
Lets look at some simple exercises to get that tummy tight.
Assuming you have your diet correct so that you are losing fat at a decent rate, then tightening the muscles will get you to that bikini belly you are looking for.
Of course you could just commit to a routine of doing crunches, but that is just plain boring so lets get a little variety with a killer ab exercise called the fighting feet.
The Fighting Feet This exercise requires a partner but it is one of the most enjoyable, yet demanding abdominal exercises around.
Start by lying with your back on the ground in an area with lots of floor space.
Have your training partner stand with their feet on either side of your head, right by your ears.
You will grab your partners ankles for support and then begin to raise you legs off of the ground until they are tangent to the floor.
Like making an L with your body.
Pretty good so far right? Well the best is yet to come, hang on.
Now as you raise your legs up have your partner catch your legs and throw them back to the ground.
Yikes!! Ok, your job is to not let them touch the ground.
To do this you will need to use your muscles to bounce them back up into your partners hands for yet another toss.
Talk about ab exercise.
This is a granddaddy.
The trick to the Fighting Feet is to keep your knees locked and have your partner throw only as hard as you are capable of responding to.
If your feet hit the floor then your partner needs to use a lighter touch.
For some variety and excitement have your partner throw your legs at angles other than straight down.
Tossing your legs to the side or just off center will work your obliques as well as your abs.
If you are doing this exercise correctly you should feel a nice burn in your lower abs.
Some words of precaution.
A limber lower back is critical to keeping good form in this exercise so stretch before and after.
Also, due to the highly ballistic nature of this routine, it is not recommended for beginning trainers.
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