- Keep corrosion away from the battery connection posts by cleaning and lubrication. Corrosion on battery post connections appears as a fine white powder. Remove this powder by cleaning the post with a solution of distilled water and baking soda. Leave the solution in place while it continues to "fizz" on the lead post. Rinse the area thoroughly with clean water. Coat the battery post with a high temperature grease or a petroleum jelly like Vaseline. Battery terminal posts treated in this fashion will remain clear of corrosion for up to one year. This type of cleaning and lubrication should be performed on an annual basis.
- All batteries regardless of types will show signs of degradation in high temperatures. Even new batteries when placed into environments greater than 110 degrees F will show signs of voltage loss. Temperatures below freezing will also permanently damage a battery that is not kept up to a proper charged level. Check the battery for correct voltage by using a voltmeter--6-volt batteries that have been properly maintained will read 6.3 volts or higher after charging. A battery that reads below this level may have problems to the internal plates of the battery.
- Gel cell batteries can only be safely charged with a gel cell type battery charger. Typically these types of battery chargers employ a small computer chip in the device. It allows the recharging of the battery to take place in stages or steps. Bulk charging is generally the first step in replacing power. This is where up to 80 percent of the batteries power is restored by a full charge from the device. The second step to charging the gel cell is an absorption cycle. A high voltage is maintained until approximately 98 percent of the battery has fully charged. The last step to a gel cell charger is the float step. In this last process a slightly higher voltage is sent to the battery and a minimal amperage is trickling power to the storage device. Most gel cell batteries are damaged by improper charging. Regular battery chargers will force power into the battery and cause damage to the internal plates.
Battery Post Corrosion