This has been a busy, stressful week.
Now it's Friday and the weekend promises two whole days of relaxation and recreation.
But you wake on Saturday with a crushing headache that derails your plans.
Weekend headaches are painful, annoying, disruptive-and relatively simple to manage.
The general thought is that anything that produces a change in your body can create a headache, including caffeine consumption, food, drink or environment.
Some research even suggests that simply going from the workweek, where your body is in a state of stress, to the weekend, where your body is in a sudden state of rest, can release large amounts of neurotransmitter chemicals, which ultimately lead to those painful headaches.
And if you are already prone to migraine or tension headaches, your body may be even more sensitive to any changes and, hence, increase the possibility of weekend headaches.
Weekend headaches are pretty common, but if they increase in frequency or severity, you should probably check it out with your doctor.
Meanwhile, there are some simple steps you can follow to decrease or eliminate them.
Examine Your Caffeine Consumption.
Do you drink more or less coffee on the weekend? I always recommend reducing caffeine intake, and I certainly recommend keeping your consumption steady.
For example, if you drink a lot of coffee while at work, but hardly any during the weekend, you will send your body into a tailspin.
The good news, though, is that you can still get your caffeine jolt while keeping your intake low.
You can drink a half and half (half regular, half decaf), or make substitutions such as tea (green tea, especially, has a lot of antioxidants.
You can also try an herbal coffee like Teechino (found at Whole Foods and many health food stores).
Look at Your Sleeping Habits.
Yes, you can get too much of a good thing, and sleep is one of them.
Sleeping late is a big way to trigger headaches.
Getting too little sleep can also trigger them, but the best way to avoid that is to well, avoid that.
Pay Attention to Diet.
Do you eat one way during the week, but another on the weekend? I once knew someone who would fast during the week and then feast on fatty, sugary foods on the weekend.
Not surprisingly, her head would often pound on the weekends as well.
Eat Breakfast.
Never skip that, or any, meal.
A good, healthy breakfast will start your metabolism and help stabilize your blood sugar and mood levels.
Add Anti-Inflammatory Foods to Your Diet.
These foods reduce swelling and pain and, as much as possible, should be included.
They include vegetables, such as broccoli; fruit, especially blueberries; lean meats and seafood (wild Alaskan salmon); green tea; sweet potatoes; extra virgin olive oil.
Some spices, like turmeric and ginger, are powerful anti-inflammatory agents.
Sugar is an enemy, and should be avoided as much as possible.
Check Out Your Environment.
Look around-is your environment different on weekends? Mold, dry heat and other allergens can all bring on headaches.
Now it's Friday and the weekend promises two whole days of relaxation and recreation.
But you wake on Saturday with a crushing headache that derails your plans.
Weekend headaches are painful, annoying, disruptive-and relatively simple to manage.
The general thought is that anything that produces a change in your body can create a headache, including caffeine consumption, food, drink or environment.
Some research even suggests that simply going from the workweek, where your body is in a state of stress, to the weekend, where your body is in a sudden state of rest, can release large amounts of neurotransmitter chemicals, which ultimately lead to those painful headaches.
And if you are already prone to migraine or tension headaches, your body may be even more sensitive to any changes and, hence, increase the possibility of weekend headaches.
Weekend headaches are pretty common, but if they increase in frequency or severity, you should probably check it out with your doctor.
Meanwhile, there are some simple steps you can follow to decrease or eliminate them.
Examine Your Caffeine Consumption.
Do you drink more or less coffee on the weekend? I always recommend reducing caffeine intake, and I certainly recommend keeping your consumption steady.
For example, if you drink a lot of coffee while at work, but hardly any during the weekend, you will send your body into a tailspin.
The good news, though, is that you can still get your caffeine jolt while keeping your intake low.
You can drink a half and half (half regular, half decaf), or make substitutions such as tea (green tea, especially, has a lot of antioxidants.
You can also try an herbal coffee like Teechino (found at Whole Foods and many health food stores).
Look at Your Sleeping Habits.
Yes, you can get too much of a good thing, and sleep is one of them.
Sleeping late is a big way to trigger headaches.
Getting too little sleep can also trigger them, but the best way to avoid that is to well, avoid that.
Pay Attention to Diet.
Do you eat one way during the week, but another on the weekend? I once knew someone who would fast during the week and then feast on fatty, sugary foods on the weekend.
Not surprisingly, her head would often pound on the weekends as well.
Eat Breakfast.
Never skip that, or any, meal.
A good, healthy breakfast will start your metabolism and help stabilize your blood sugar and mood levels.
Add Anti-Inflammatory Foods to Your Diet.
These foods reduce swelling and pain and, as much as possible, should be included.
They include vegetables, such as broccoli; fruit, especially blueberries; lean meats and seafood (wild Alaskan salmon); green tea; sweet potatoes; extra virgin olive oil.
Some spices, like turmeric and ginger, are powerful anti-inflammatory agents.
Sugar is an enemy, and should be avoided as much as possible.
Check Out Your Environment.
Look around-is your environment different on weekends? Mold, dry heat and other allergens can all bring on headaches.