Video Transcript
Hi, my name is Audrey Johns. I'm the founder of Lose Weight by Eating, and I want to show you how to make my amazing, low-calories, all natural chicken strips. Now, when I first started on my weight loss journey, I weighed 275 pounds, and I lost weight by learning how to cook and how to eat properly, and one of the first things I did was I realized that the junk in the frozen already made chicken nuggets made me shameful to give them to my own child, so I came up with my own. And it does take some tweaking because you certainly want them to be the same color, because that's what kids are all about, so I'm gonna show you how to do that right now. So what I've done is I've chopped up into long chicken strips, and you can also do nuggets, however you prefer. 2 chicken breasts, I've also put in 1 cup of milk, 1 cup of Greek yogurt, about a teaspoon of both salt, garlic powder and of chili powder. Now what we're gonna do is we're gonna make the crunchy outer coating, which will be made with Panko crust. So you're gonna do about a cup per chicken breast. So we've got 1 cup in here of Panko, we're gonna add about a teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of turmeric, teaspoon of chili powder, and don't shy away from this, it's not that hot, it's gonna give the color that your kids are looking for. Garlic powder, about 2 teaspoons and about a tablespoon of parsley. And you just mix it all up, and you've got your coating. You wanna go ahead and get your oven to 375 degrees now, and then we can start dipping. I like to make a little, like a little line here. So I start with my bag, then I've got my dip, and then I've got my lined cookie sheet with foil. So, I'm gonna take one out, and you don't want the excess. See it's kind of ooey gooey, and you wanna kind of shake it off a little bit, and then put it into the crust, roll it around, and here's the key, shake some off. Very often people will coat extra on there, and what happens is the outer coating will just flake off. It will get crusty, it will flake off, and then the crusts that are really, really close to the actual chicken, they're gonna be all soggy. So you definitely want to shake off that extra crust. Alright, now, get into one more and then I'm gonna show you what they look like. I just love rolling these. I can do this all day long, it makes me feel like the best mommy in the world to make my daughter homemade chicken nuggets. Okay. Let me show you what they look like. So I'm gonna stick these in the oven for about 10 minutes each side. You want to flip them halfway through so that they stay nice and crispy. Look what you've got. Perfect, beautiful, crunchy chicken nuggets. These are just perfect for the kids. You can stash some inside of your freezer, and then pull them out for a quick lunches, quick dinners, they're really, really good. I hope you've enjoyed my recipe today, there's lots more on my website. Again, my name is Audrey Johns with Lose Weight by Eating, and happy cooking.