Society & Culture & Entertainment Horoscopes

Virgo Personal Horoscope For June 2010

You start the month in fine form.
You're very aware of your responsibilities and you have a chance to put the lessons from the past into practice.
In the process you can set a great example, to your friends, colleagues and workmates.
On June 7 the planet Mars enters your star sign, and it stays here until the end of July.
This is something of a mixed blessing.
On one hand you're going to be very dynamic, and you can accomplish a great deal very quickly.
And once you set yourself a task, there's every chance that you'll be able to accomplish it - in most cases ahead of schedule.
However Mars can be an aggressive influence, and it's possible that you'll be attracting arguments.
Indeed your overall approach could be too much to handle, and without meaning to, you could create some very difficult situations for yourself.
I would therefore advise you to calm down, and to not jump to conclusions.
Also avoid doing anything that's dangerous.
As far as relationships are concerned, it's worth noting that in early June the planet Jupiter moves into Aries.
Jupiter is your relationship ruler, and over the next few months you might find that partners and lovers are a lot more intense than usual.
They'll take things seriously, and they'll be very clear about their likes and dislikes.
If you're looking for a new relationship, then dates between June 9 and June 11 look particularly good.
There could be sudden happenings, and if you take advantage of the situation then romantic success can be yours for the taking.
From a career point of view, the month gets better as it goes along, and from June 10 through to June 25 your career prospects are excellent.
You'll be able to communicate very well, and your ideas will really stand out.
So it's important that you're not shy, that if you know the answer to a problem, you tell the whole world about it.
Also, your might have a stroke of luck - your intuition will be urging you in a particular direction and all of a sudden things will come together.
Towards the end of the month, and especially from June 23 through to June 25, Mercury, your ruler, makes a a stressful, 90-degree aspect to Saturn.
You might hit a block, perhaps in your career.
You might feel that this block is other people's fault, but actually it's you who is creating it.
You need a change of attitude, and you must be honest about your faults.
In the process, you should reach out, and see what support you can get.
You'll then discover that some of your friends are worth their weight in gold.
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